ICM process


This process describes the general steps of ICM. For complete configuration details, you may need to consult the NSP Network Automation Guide, or the tutorials on the Network Developer Portal.

Import or create intent types

Download the ICM intent type from the NSP software download site. Intent types are available in artifact bundles (zip files).

If you prefer to create your own intent types, proceed to Stage 3.

Import the downloaded artifact bundles into NSP; see “How do I install an artifact bundle?” in the NSP Network Automation Guide.

To create intent types, see the Network Intents tutorial on the Network Developer Portal for developer information.

Note the following:

  • The InfrastructureConfiguration label must be present

  • The intent type must include a resource file, icm_descriptor.json, that provides the role:

    • Physical (for example, port and card configuration) or

    • Logical (for example, QoS or routing)

      For intent types with the logical role, this resource file also defines whether the template can be deployed to multiple targets in a deployment flow, and whether it can be deployed with other templates in a deployment flow.

    • The intent type must include at least one schema form and viewConfig resource file.

    • Other resource files may be required depending on the operations performed by the intent type.

Import the intent types

Open Device Management, Configuration Intent Types.

Click png2.pngIMPORT

Choose the intent types from the list and click IMPORT.

Create a configuration template

Open Device Management, Configuration Templates.

Click png2.pngTEMPLATE

Configure the parameters and click RELEASE.

Deploy the configuration
  1. Open Device Management, Configuration Deployments.

  2. Click png2.png DEPLOYMENT and choose Logical or Physical.

  3. From the Configuration Templates list, choose a template and click png1.png (More actions) Deploy to Network.


Configure the parameters and click DEPLOY.

The configuration is sent to the targets, and the deployment details are added to the Configuration Deployments list.


You can perform an audit at the deployment level for a single target, at the template level for all deployments using the template, or at the NE level for all configurations deployed to the NE.

An audit checks whether the target configuration matches the template, but does not change the target configuration.

Note: an audit at the template level checks all deployments using the template. The operation may take a long time. During the audit, you can click VIEW DETAILS for process information.

To audit a deployment:

  1. Open Device Management, Configuration Deployments.

  2. Choose a deployment.

  3. Click png3.png if needed to open the Deployment Details panel.

    Click VIEW RESULT in the Deployment Details panel to see the results of the last audit.

  4. Click AUDIT CONFIG. The audit results and alignment status information are updated.


To audit a template:

  1. Open Device Management, Configuration Templates.

  2. Choose a template and click png3.png if needed to open the Template Details panel.

    The Template Details panel shows the number of deployments and the number that were aligned and misaligned after the last audit.

  3. Click AUDIT ALL CONFIG and click CONTINUE to confirm. The alignment status information is updated.


To audit an NE:

  1. Click png9.png (Audit/Align an NE). The Audit/Align an NE form opens.

  2. Click in the Select an NE field. The Select an NE form opens with a list of NEs.

  3. Choose an NE and click SELECT. The NE ID appears in the Audit/Align an NE form.

  4. Click AUDIT. The Device Management, Configuration Deployments view is filtered to show the deployments for the NE with updated alignment status information.


You can perform an align at the deployment, template, or NE level.

An align operation updates the target configuration if it does not match the configuration template.

To align a template:

  1. Open Device Management, Configuration Templates.

  2. Choose a template.

  3. Click png3.png if needed to open the Template Details panel.

    The Template Details panel shows the number of deployments and the number that were aligned and misaligned after the last audit.

  4. Click ALIGN ALL CONFIG and click CONTINUE to confirm.


To align a deployment:

  1. Open Device Management, Configuration Deployments.

  2. Choose a deployment.

    Click png3.png if needed to open the Deployment Details panel.

    The Deployment Details panel shows the results of the last audit.

  3. Click ALIGN CONFIG. The alignment is performed and the alignment status information is updated.


To align an NE:

  1. Click png9.png (Audit/Align an NE). The Audit/Align an NE form opens.

  2. Click in the Select an NE field. The Select an NE form opens with a list of NEs.

  3. Choose an NE and click SELECT. The NE ID appears in the Audit/Align an NE form.

  4. Click ALIGN. The Device Management, Configuration Deployments view is filtered to show the deployments for the NE with updated alignment status information.