
Device Management Guide

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List of tables

List of figures

About this document

Part I. Device management essentials

1. Device support in NSP

How does NSP support devices?

What devices are supported by NSP?

What is an adaptor?

Where can I find more information about adaptors?

How do I configure and manage devices?

How do I view adaptor information for an NE?

What is NE resynchronization?

What is unmanaging a device?

2. Device discovery

Discovering devices using NSP

How does device discovery work?

What is flexible discovery?

What are discovery protocols and policies?

Procedures for device discovery

How do I create a mediation policy?

How do I create a reachability policy?

How do I discover devices?

3. NE maintenance

NE backup and restore

How do I back up an NE?

How do I view backup files for an NE?

How do I compare two backup files for an NE?

How do I restore an NE from a backup?

Part II. Advanced device management

4. Large-scale operations



Operation views

Operation types provided by NSP


How do I change the life cycle state of an operation type?

How do I start or schedule a new operation?

How do I start or schedule a saved operation?

How do I view or manage scheduled operations?

How do I view current operations and executions?

How do I start, stop, or pause an operation?

How do I view the details of completed operations?

How do I view a history of operations performed on an NE?

How do I automate the cleanup of completed operations?

How do I view reports generated by an operation?

How do I retry an execution within a phase?

How do I terminate an execution in progress?

How do I retry a failed operation?

How do I perform a rollback on a target in an operation?


Operation troubleshooting

5. NE software upgrades using NSP

NE software upgrades using NSP

Upgrade operation requirements

Process for NE upgrade

How do I import a node software image?

How do I upgrade software on an NE?

6. Zero Touch Provisioning

What is Zero Touch Provisioning?

How do I configure Zero Touch Provisioning?

Can I change ZTP parameters from NSP?

Part III. Device configuration

7. Device object configuration

Viewing NE parameters

How do I see what is configured on an NE?

Model Driven Configurator

What tools can I use to configure NEs in NSP?

How do I open a device for configuration?

How do I configure device objects?

8. Network configuration

Template-based configuration deployment

What is device configuration in NSP?

How does configuration deployment work?

Configuration process

ICM process

Configuration intent types

What is a configuration intent type?

How do I import a configuration intent type?

Configuration templates

What is a configuration template?

What is the difference between deploying a template and associating a template?

How do I create a configuration template?

How do I update a template to apply intent type schema form changes?

What is migration?

How do I migrate a deployment to another template?

How do I deploy or associate a template to the network?

How do I associate a logical template to the network?

How do I associate a physical template to the network?

How do I retry a failed association?

How do I change the life cycle status of a template?

How do I edit a template?

How do I audit or align configurations?

Configuration deployments

How do I create a deployment?

How do I create a logical configuration deployment?

How do I create a physical configuration deployment?

How do I edit a deployment?

How do I bulk edit multiple deployments?

How do I deploy a saved deployment?

How do I retry a failed deployment?

How do I distribute a logical configuration deployment?

How do I distribute a physical configuration deployment?

How do I delete a deployment?

How do I remove a deployment?

How do I audit or align a deployment?

How do I audit or align configurations for an NE?

Part IV. Device management use cases

9. Use cases

Discovery of a 7750 SR device in NSP

NFM-P and NSP comparison: Port Configuration

NFM-P and NSP comparison: QoS

NFM-P and NSP comparison: LAG Configuration