About this document


The Device Management Guide provides information about device management using NSP to operators and administrators by describing usage and features. For information about device management using NFM-P, see the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide.


The guide covers the full set of features for device management using NSP. Device management using NFM-P (classic management) is documented by the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide.

Some feature sets require the purchase and configuration of additional feature packages. See the NSP System Architecture Guide for more information about feature packages and installation options.

Device Management functions are available for OSS using programmable APIs. For general information about developer support, see the API documentation page on the Network Developer Portal.

For specific documentation about REST APIs for device management, including management of NEs behind a controller, click on API Reference in the Device Administrator row.

Document support

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How to comment

Please send your feedback to documentation.feedback@nokia.com.