Discovery of a 7750 SR device in NSP


This use case shows how to use NSP to discover a 7750 SR.

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The first step is creating an NE discovery rule.

Open Device Discovery, NE Discovery Rules.

First, we’ll configure the general settings for the discovery rule. Enter a name for the rule and a scan interval. This rule will scan the network every 90 minutes to look for devices and device updates.

View the figure

Next, we’ll add an IP range or subnet for discovery. The device we want to discover must be in this range.

When the discovery rule performs a network scan in the future, it will search the IP range.

To configure Discovery Protocols and Policies, we’ll choose the order of the protocols to use for discovery, and create and associate the required mediation and reachability policies.

Now we will create mediation policies for the protocols we’ll need to use to discover and manage the NE, and associate them with the discovery rule.

These steps need to be done for each mediation protocol we selected.

  1. Click png2.png NEW in the Mediation policies column to open the Create Mediation Policy form.

  2. When the policy is created, click in the Associated Mediation Policy field to associate the new policy with the discovery rule.

The last part of the NE discovery rule is creating the reachability policies.

We’ll follow a similar process: creating the policies we need and associating each with the discovery rule. Click png2.png NEW in the Reachability Policies column to open the Create Reachability Policy form.

After you click Finish, the NE discovery rule appears in the list. Choose Discover from the Table row actions menu to run the discovery rule manually.

End of steps


When the NE is discovered, the NE appears in the Device Management, Managed Network Elements view.

View the figure

The NE has been discovered. You can add the NE to a network element group in the Map Layouts and Groups, Network Element Group Directories view if needed.