To install an NSP analytics server



Installation Failure

If you attempt to install an analytics server before the NSP Analytics function is fully initialized, the installation may fail.

Before you attempt to install an analytics server, you must ensure that the NSP Analytics function is fully initialized.

The following steps describe how to install the NSP analytics server software on a station.

Note: Each running NSP analytics server and each running auxiliary database in the NSP system must be at the same release.

Note: Performing the procedure creates the nsp user account on the analytics server station.

Note: You require the following user privileges:

  • on each main server station—root, nsp

  • on the analytics server station—root

Note: The following RHEL CLI prompts in command lines denote the active user, and are not to be included in typed commands

  • # —root user

  • bash$ —nsp user

Verify NFM-P configuration

If one of the following is true, go to Step 3:

  • The NSP system does not include the NFM-P.

  • The NSP system includes the NFM-P, but IP validation on each main database is not enabled.

  • The NSP system includes the NFM-P, and IP validation on each NFM-P main database is enabled and configured to include the IP address of each NSP analytics server.

In an NSP system that includes an NFM-P with IP validation enabled, you must ensure that each analytics server is listed as a remote server in the NFM-P IP validation configuration of each NFM-P main database.

Also, you must ensure that each system is running before you install an analytics server. Otherwise, analytics report generation is compromised.

Perform the following high-level steps to configure IP validation in each NFM-P system that communicates with the analytics servers.

For information about starting and stopping NFM-P components, see the NSP System Administrator Guide.

For information about using the samconfig utility, see NFM-P samconfig utility.

  1. Stop each main server; in a redundant system, you must stop the standby main server first.

  2. Stop the standalone or primary main database.

  3. Use the samconfig utility on the main database station to add each analytics-server IP address to the remote-servers parameter in the ip-validation section.

  4. Start the main database.

  5. Start the main server.

    Note: You must not proceed to the next step until the standalone or primary main server is fully initialized and operational.

  6. If the NFM-P system is a standalone system, go to Step 4.

  7. Use the samconfig utility on the standby main database station to add each analytics-server IP address to the remote-servers parameter in the ip-validation section.

  8. Start the standby main database.

  9. Start the standby main server.

Install analytics server packages

If the NSP system includes an NFM-P system that is not currently running, start the NFM-P system; see the NSP System Administrator Guide for information about starting the NFM-P.

Log in as the root user on the analytics server station.

Download the following installation files to an empty local directory:

  • nspos-jre-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nspos-tomcat-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm

  • nsp-analytics-server-R.r.p-rel.v.rpm


R.r.p is the NSP release identifier, in the form MAJOR.minor.patch

v is a version number

Open a console window.

Ensure that the analytics server hostname, or an analytics server IP address that can be resolved by a DNS server, is configured in the /etc/hosts file on the analytics server station.

Navigate to the directory that contains the downloaded installation files.

Enter the following:

chmod +x *.rpm ↵


Enter the following:

dnf install *.rpm ↵

The dnf utility resolves any package dependencies, and displays the following prompt:

Total size: nn G

Installed size: nn G 

Is this ok [y/d/N]: 


Enter y. The following and the installation status are displayed as each package is installed:

Downloading Packages:

Running transaction check

Transaction check succeeded.

Running transaction test

Transaction test succeeded.

Running transaction check

The package installation is complete when the following is displayed:


Obtain required system files

If you are installing the first of multiple analytics servers, go to Step 18.


Enter the following to switch to the nsp user:

su - nsp ↵


Transfer the following files from the first installed analytics server to the /opt/nsp directory on the analytics server that you are currently installing:

Note: If for any reason you uninstall the analytics software after you copy the files, for example, if the initial installation attempt fails, you must copy the files again before you retry the installation.

  • /opt/nsp/.jrsks

  • /opt/nsp/.jrsksp


Enter the following:

chown nsp:nsp /opt/nsp/.jrsks ↵


Enter the following:

chown nsp:nsp /opt/nsp/.jrsksp ↵


If you are currently operating on the final analytics server to be installed, perform the following steps on each analytics server other than the first installed analytics server to restart the analytics server.

Note: You must not restart the first installed analytics server, only the other analytics servers. The restarts are required in order to correctly establish communication among the analytics servers.

  1. Log in to the analytics server station as the nsp user.

  2. Enter the following to stop the analytics server:

    bash$ /opt/nsp/analytics/bin/ stop ↵

  3. Enter the following to start the analytics server:

    bash$ /opt/nsp/analytics/bin/ start ↵

Configure analytics server

If you are manually configuring TLS, perform the following steps.

Note: For information about manual TLS configuration in an NSP system, including generating keystore and truststore files, see To generate custom TLS certificate files for the NSP.

  1. Enter the following to switch to the root user, if you are not currently root:

    bash$ su - ↵

  2. Transfer the required TLS keystore and truststore files to the analytics server station.

    Note: The files must be located on a path that is owned by the nsp user.

  3. Enter the following:

    chown nsp:nsp keystore_file

    where keystore_file is the absolute path of the keystore file

  4. Enter the following:

    chown nsp:nsp truststore_file

    where truststore_file is the absolute path of the truststore file


Enter the following to switch to the nsp user, if you are not currently nsp:

su - nsp ↵


Enter the following:

bash$ cd /opt/nsp/analytics/bin ↵


Enter the following:

bash$ ./ updateConfig ↵

The script displays the following message and prompt:


Please type 'YES' to continue


Enter YES.

The script displays the following, and the first in a series of prompts.

Config file found.


At each prompt, enter a parameter value; to accept a default in brackets, press ↵.

The following table lists and describes each parameter.

Table 14-2: NSP analytics server parameters



Analytics Server Hostname or IP Address

The analytics server hostname or IP address that is reachable by the NSP cluster and the client browsers

Default: —

Enter IP address or hostname for internal network

The analytics server internal IP address, if configured

Default: —

Is NSPOS secure

Whether the internal NSP system communication is secured using TLS

In a shared-mode NSP system, the value must match the “nspos secure” parameter value; otherwise, the value must match the “secure” value in the nspos section of the NFM-P main server configuration.

Default: true

Use internal certificates

Whether internal service communication between NSP components is secured using internally generated TLS certificates

You can set the parameter to true only if the “Is NSPOS secure” parameter is set to true.

Default: true

Primary PostgreSQL Repository Database Host

The primary report results repository, which is the IP address or hostname of one of the following:

  • if the NSP system includes only the NFM-P, the primary or standalone NFM-P main server

  • the internalAdvertisedAddress value in the primary or standalone NSP configuration file, if configured; otherwise, the advertisedAddress value

Default: —

Secondary PostgreSQL Repository Database Host

In a redundant system, the standby report results repository, which is the IP address or hostname of one of the following:

  • if the NSP system includes only the NFM-P, the standby NFM-P main server

  • the internalAdvertisedAddress value in the standby NSP configuration file, if configured; otherwise, the advertisedAddress value

Default: —

Primary Oracle Data Source DB Host

The primary or standalone main database IP address or hostname

Default: —

Primary Oracle Data Source DB Name

The primary or standalone main database instance name

Default: —

Primary Oracle Data Source DB Port

The TCP port on the primary or standalone main database station that receives database requests

Default: 1523

Secondary Oracle Data Source DB Host

In a redundant system, the standby main database IP address or hostname

Default: —

Secondary Oracle Data Source DB Name

In a redundant system, the standby main database instance name

Default: —

Secondary Oracle Data Source DB Port

In a redundant system, the TCP port on the standby main database station that receives database requests

Default: 1523

PKI Server IP Address or Hostname

The PKI server IP address or hostname

Regardless of whether you are using the manual or automated TLS configuration method, you must specify the PKI server address.

Default: —

PKI Server Port

The PKI server port

Default: 2391

Zookeeper Connection String

The IP address or hostname, and port of each ZooKeeper host, in the following format:



server1_address and server2_address are the IP addresses or hostnames of the ZooKeeper hosts

port is a port number based on the Is NSPOS secure setting:

  • 2181, if false

  • 2281, if true

The ZooKeeper hosts that you specify are one of the following:

  • if the NSP system includes only the NFM-P, the NFM-P main servers

  • the advertisedAddress of each cluster from the NSP configuration file

Default: —

Use NFM-P-only mode? (true/false)

Specifies how the Analytics server communicates with the NSP system

The parameter must be set to true if the deployment includes only the NFM-P and has no NSP cluster.

Default: false


Start the PKI server, regardless of whether you are using the automated or manual TLS configuration method; perform To configure and enable a PKI server.

Note: The PKI server is required for internal system configuration purposes.


Enter the following to install the analytics server software:

bash$ ./ install ↵

Note: The analytics server starts automatically after the installation.

The following prompt is displayed if the Use NFM-P-only mode parameter in Step 23 is set to false.

Enter NSP user name:


If the prompt is displayed, perform the following steps.

  1. Enter admin ↵.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Enter NSP user password (hidden):

  2. Enter the password of the NSP admin user.


The following messages and prompt are displayed:

Access token retrieved successfully

date time Analytics App is UP and Running

Version check passed. NSP version = RR.r; Analytics server version = RR.r

date time Installing Analytics Server...

Do you have existing TLS certificates?(yes/no)


If you have TLS keystore and truststore files, perform the following steps.

  1. Enter yes ↵.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Enter TLS keystore Path,including filename:

  2. Enter the absolute path of the TLS keystore file.

    The following message and prompt are displayed:

    path/keystore_file found.

    Enter TLS truststore Path,including filename:

  3. Enter the absolute path of the TLS truststore file.

    The following message and prompt are displayed:

    path/truststore_file found.

    Enter TLS Keystore Password:

  4. Enter the keystore password.

    The following messages and prompt are displayed:

    Verifying TLS Keystore...

    Certificate loading...

    Verified TLS Certificate

    Enter TLS Truststore Password:

  5. Enter the truststore password.

    The following messages and prompt are displayed:

    Verifying TLS Truststore...

    Certificate loading...

    Verified TLS Certificate

    TLS Config has been updated


If you do not have TLS keystore and truststore files, perform the following steps.

  1. Enter no ↵.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Enter the Path where the TLS Certificates should be created (directory must be owned by nsp user):

  2. Enter the absolute path of a directory that is owned by the nsp user, for example, /opt/nsp.

    The following message and prompt are displayed:

    The path that will contain the keystore and the truststore is:


    Set the keystore password:

  3. Enter the keystore password.

    The following prompt is displayed:

    Set the truststore password:

  4. Enter the truststore password.

    The following messages are displayed:

    The files nsp.keystore and nsp.truststore have been created

    TLS Config has been updated

    Modified JIRoles Table


The installation begins, and messages like the following are displayed:

Creating Analytics Repository Schema

Analytics Repository Schema creation is complete

Please wait while Analytics Server is being installed...This may take a few minutes

date time Deploying Analytics Server in Tomcat...

Analytics Server successfully deployed in Tomcat

date time Starting Analytics Server...

date time Starting Analytics Application

Waiting for Analytics Server to come up

date time Analytics Server is UP and Running

Starting Watchdog process to check Oracle database connectivity...

Analytics Server successfully started!

date time Configuring Analytics Server....

Deploying Reports...

Start Deploying report




All reports successfully tracked

Analytics Server configured successfully

date time Analytics Server successfully installed


Enter the following to view the analytics server status; ensure that the server is running:

bash$ ./ status ↵

The following is displayed if the analytics server is running:

Analytics Server Version : Release

Analytics Application is running

Active PostgreSQL Repository Database Host : n.n.n.n

Auxiliary Data source Database Host(s) : n.n.n.n,n.n.n.n,n.n.n.n,...

Active Oracle Data source Database Host : n.n.n.n

TLS KeyStore File Path : path

TLS TrustStore File Path : path


If no other components are to be deployed, stop the PKI server by entering Ctrl+C in the console window.


Close the open console window.

End of steps