To migrate from an independent NFM-P system to the NSP


Perform this procedure to transfer the nspOS functions of an independent NFM-P system to a greenfield NSP deployment in order to create a shared-mode NSP deployment.

Note: When you migrate from an independent NFM-P to a shared-mode NSP system, the NFM-P Service Supervision groups are transferred to the NSP. The transfer may take hours, depending on the number of services. During this time, you must not auto-create any Service Supervision groups. You can use the Find Ungrouped members count in the Group Manager application to help determine when the upload is complete, after which you can auto-create groups.

Note: release-ID in a file path has the following format:



R.r.p is the NSP release, in the form MAJOR.minor.patch

version is a numeric value

Prepare for migration

Perform Step 1 to Step 48 of To install the NSP to do the following.

  • Obtain the NSP software.

  • Create the NSP deployer host.

  • Create the NSP cluster VMs.

Using the specifications in the response to your Nokia Platform Sizing Request, create a VM for each additional RPM-based NSP component.

Perform the steps in the “To back up the main database from the client GUI” procedure in one of the following guides, depending on the installed NFM-P release:

  • Release 22.9 or earlier—NSP NFM-P Administrator Guide

  • Release 22.11 or later—NSP System Administrator Guide

Transfer the following TLS files from the current PKI-server station to a secure location on a station that is unaffected by the migration activity:

Note: The PKI server address can be viewed using the samconfig utility on an NFM-P main server station.

  • ca.pem

  • ca.key

  • ca_internal.pem

  • ca_internal.key

Perform Step 7 to Step 12 on each NSP cluster.

Note: In a DR deployment, you must perform the steps first on the NSP cluster that you want to be the primary cluster after the upgrade.

Go to Step 13.

Deploy NSP clusters

Perform Step 49 to Step 101 of To install the NSP to deploy the NSP Kubernetes cluster and configure the NSP deployment parameters.

Restore NSP databases

Copy the following Neo4j and PostgreSQL database backup files created in Step 3 to an empty temporary directory on the NSP deployer host:

  • nspos-neo4j_backup_timestamp.tar.gz

  • nspos-postgresql_backup_timestamp.tar.gz

where timestamp is the backup creation time

Perform “How do I restore the NSP cluster databases?” in the NSP System Administrator Guide to restore only the following databases on the NSP cluster:

Note: Performing the procedure also starts the NSP.

  • Neo4j database

  • PostgreSQL database

Deploy NSP software

Monitor the NSP initialization; if the status of any pod is Error, you must correct the error; see the NSP System Administrator Guide for information about recovering an errored pod.

Note: You must not proceed to the next step until the cluster is operational and no pods are in error.


If you are configuring the standby NSP cluster in a DR deployment, obtain the SSH, TLS, and telemetry artifacts from the NSP cluster in the primary data center.

  1. Open a console window on the NSP deployer host.

  2. Enter the following:

    mkdir -p /opt/nsp/nsp-configurator/generated/ssh ↵

  3. Enter the following:

    scp root@address:/opt/nsp/nsp-configurator/generated/ssh/* /opt/nsp/nsp-configurator/generated/ssh/ ↵

  4. Enter the following:

    scp root@address:/opt/nsp/NSP-CN-DEP-release-ID/NSP-CN-release-ID/tls/ca/* /opt/nsp/NSP-CN-release-ID/tls/ca/ ↵

  5. Enter the following:

    scp root@address:/opt/nsp/NSP-CN-DEP-release-ID/NSP-CN-release-ID/tls/telemetry/* /opt/nsp/NSP-CN-release-ID/tls/telemetry/ ↵

where address is the address of the NSP cluster host in the primary cluster


In order for the IGP maps to function after the migration, you may need to change the IGP topology data source; see Configuring the IGP topology data source for information.

Reconfigure NFM-P

Perform Step 1 to Step 15 of To integrate the NSP and NFM-P.

Synchronize system data

Verify that the NFM-P main server is fully initialized.

Note: You must not advance to the next step until the server is fully initialized.

  1. Enter the following as the nsp user on the main server station.

    cd /opt/nsp/nfmp/nms/bin ↵

  2. ./nmsserver.bash -s nms_status ↵

    Output like the following is displayed:

    Network Functions Manager - Packet: Main Server Information

    -- Build Information

      -- NSP Version 23.11.MAIN.11098 - Built on Fri Nov 10 04:42:40 EST 2023

    -- System Information

      -- Host/IP:

    -- Server Information

      -- Server is a standalone system

      -- Server is server_state

      -- SSL Channel Disabled for OSS and GUI Clients

    The server is fully initialized if the following is displayed:

      -- Server is Up

    If the server is not fully initialized, wait five minutes and then repeat this step.


Log in as the root user on the NSP deployer host in the primary data center.


Enter the following:

cd /opt/nsp/NSP-CN-DEP-release-ID/NSP-CN-release-ID/tools/database ↵


Enter the following:

./ ↵

The following time-stamped lines are displayed as the script synchronizes the NFM-P and NSP system data:

timestamp: Running with nsp-psa-restricted/nsp-platform-tomcat-pod_ID

timestamp: Resync triggered successfully

where pod_ID is an alphanumeric pod ID

Reconfigure NSP analytics servers

If the system from which you are migrating includes one or more analytics servers, perform the following steps on each NSP analytics server station.

  1. Log in as the nsp user.

  2. Enter the following:

    bash$ cd /opt/nsp/analytics/bin ↵

  3. Enter the following to stop the server:

    bash$ ./ stop ↵

    The following and other messages are displayed:

    Stopping Analytics Application

    When the analytics server is completely stopped, the following is displayed:

    Analytics Application is not running

    Do not proceed to the next step until the server is completely stopped.

  4. Enter the following:

    bash$ ./ updateConfig ↵

    The script displays the following message and prompt:


    Please type 'YES' to continue

  5. Enter YES.

    The script displays the following, and the first in a series of prompts. At each prompt, you must enter a parameter value; to accept a default in brackets, press ↵.

    Config file found.

  6. Configure the following parameters as described below; see Table 14-2, NSP analytics server parameters for more information about a parameter.

    • Primary PostgreSQL Repository Database Host—standalone or primary NSP cluster VIP address

    • Secondary PostgreSQL Repository Database Host—standby NSP cluster VIP address; leave blank for a standalone NSP deployment

    • Zookeeper Connection String—the NSP cluster VIP addresses and ports, separated by a semicolon, for example:


    • Use NFM-P-only mode—must be set to true


Enter the following:

bash$ ./ start ↵

The analytics server starts.

Reconfigure WS-NOC

If the deployment includes the WS-NOC, configure the WS-NOC to use the new nspOS instance by specifying the advertised address of the NSP cluster as the nspOS address.

End of steps