How do I bulk associate a customer's services with service templates?


Service management's bulk associate function can be used to simultaneously apply a specific service template to multiple services that share the same service type and customer.


Perform one of the following:

  1. If creating a new service template, perform How do I create a service template?, ensuring that you specify a Default Service Category in the Bulk Association panel of the Create a service template form.

  2. If modifying an existing service template, perform the following:

    1. From the Service Management, Service Templates view, click png1.png (Table row actions), Edit in-line with any service template. The Edit service template form opens.

    2. Specify a Default Service Category in the Bulk Association panel of the service template creation form and click UPDATE. The Edit service template form closes.

Perform one of the following:

  1. If creating a new customer, perform How do I create a customer?, ensuring that you select the Bulk Associate check box.

  2. If modifying an existing customer, perform the following:

    1. From the Service Management, Customers view, click png1.png (Table row actions), Edit in-line with any customer. The Edit customer form opens.

    2. Select the Bulk Associate check box and click UPDATE. The Edit customer form closes.

From the Service Management, Services view, click png1.png (Table row actions), Bulk Associate in the top right corner.

Any services belonging to a customer that has bulk associate enabled will be associated with a service template, provided their service type matches that service template's Default Service Category configuration.

End of steps

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