How do I bulk associate a customer's services with service templates?
Service management's bulk associate function can be used to simultaneously apply a specific service template to multiple services that share the same service type and customer.
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Perform one of the following:
If creating a new service template, perform
How do I create a service template?, ensuring that you specify a Default Service Category in the Bulk Association panel of the Create a service template form.
If modifying an existing service template, perform the following:
From the Service Management, Service Templates view, click (Table row actions), Edit in-line with any service template. The Edit service template form opens.
Specify a Default Service Category in the Bulk Association panel of the service template creation form and click UPDATE. The Edit service template form closes.
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Perform one of the following:
If creating a new customer, perform
How do I create a customer?, ensuring that you select the Bulk Associate check box.
If modifying an existing customer, perform the following:
From the Service Management, Customers view, click (Table row actions), Edit in-line with any customer. The Edit customer form opens.
Select the Bulk Associate check box and click UPDATE. The Edit customer form closes.
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From the Service Management, Services view, click (Table row actions), Bulk Associate in the top right corner.
Any services belonging to a customer that has bulk associate enabled will be associated with a service template, provided their service type matches that service template's Default Service Category configuration.
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