How do I create a composite service?


Use this procedure to create a composite service. A composite service allows users to configure multiple service types simultaneously, then execute those service types as a single service. The parameters that are available to you is dependant on the intent type that is associated with the service template you select, and may differ from those described in this procedure, which assumes the Nokia-provided composite service template is being used. The Nokia-provided composite service template allows for the configuration of both an L3 VPN and an E-Line service.


Perform How do I create a service template?.

From the Service Management, Composite Services view, click + CREATE.

The Select a service template to start form opens displaying a list of service templates.

Click on a composite service template from the list.

The Create Service form opens with the Template Name parameter populated.

Configure the parameters, as required:



Service Name

Specifies the name of the service. Must be unique from other services created using NSP.

Customer ID

Specifies the customer ID


Describes the service

Admin State

Specifies the initial administrative state of the service upon deployment

Job ID

Specifies the work-order number

In the VPRN panel, configure the Service Name parameter, specifying a name for the VPRN service that is unique from other services created using NSP.

In the Site Details panel, click + ADD.

The Add Site form opens.

Configure the parameters, as required:



Device ID

Specifies the assigned queue group redirect list

VRF Name

Specifies the name of the VRF


Describes the VRF

NE Service ID

Specifies the NE service ID

Route Distinguisher

Specifies the route distinguisher

Route Distinguisher Type

Specifies the route distinguisher type

Route Target (click + ADD)

Target Type

Specifies the type of route target

Target Value

Specifies the route target value

In the Interface Details panel, click + ADD.

The Add Interface form opens.

Configure the parameters, as required:



Interface Name

Specifies the name of the interface

Interface Type

Specifies the interface type


Describes the interface

Administrative State

Specifies the administrative state of the interface


Specifies whether to use the interface as a loopback interface


Specifies the interface IP MTU

Ingress Stats

Specifies whether or not ingress statistics will be collected


In the IPv4 panel, configure the required parameters:




Specifies the primary IPv4 address assigned to the interface

Prefix Length

Specifies the primary IPv4 address prefix length


If the Interface Type parameter was set to 'sap' in Step 9, configure the parameters in the SAP panel, as required:



Port ID

Specifies the port identifier

Inner VLAN Tag

Specifies the inner VLAN tag

Outer VLAN Tag

Specifies the outer VLAN tag

Admin State

Specifies the administrative state of the service


Describes the SAP

Collect Accounting Statistics

Specifies whether or not accounting statistics will be collected


Perform the following to specify an accounting policy to be used:

  1. Click on the Accounting Policy field. The Select Accounting Policy form opens.

  2. Click on an accounting policy in the list, then click SELECT. The Select Accounting Policy form closes.


Click ADD. The Add Interface form closes.


Click ADD. The Add Site form closes.


In the EPIPES panel, click + ADD.

The Add EPIPES form opens.


Configure the parameters, as required:



Service Name

Specifies the name of the service. Must be unique from other services created using NSP.

NE Service ID

Specifies the NE service ID


In the Site Details panel, configure the required parameters:



Device ID

Specifies the device identifier

Site Name

Specifies the site name


Describes the site


Specifies the MTU of the site


Port ID

Specifies the port identifier

Inner VLAN Tag

Specifies the inner VLAN tag

Outer VLAN Tag

Specifies the outer VLAN tag

Admin State

Specifies the administrative state of the service


Describes the SAP

Collect Accounting Statistics

Specifies whether or not accounting statistics will be collected


Perform the following to specify an accounting policy to be used:

  1. Click on the Accounting Policy field. The Select Accounting Policy form opens.

  2. Click on an accounting policy in the list, then click SELECT. The Select Accounting Policy form closes.


In the Site Details panel, configure the required parameters:



Enable QoS

Specifies whether or not QoS is enabled

Enable IP/IPv6 Filter

Specifies whether or not an IP/IPv6 filter is enabled


If QoS was enabled in Step 19, configure the parameters as required in both the ingress and egress panels:




Match QinQ Dot1p (ingress only)

Specifies the match QinQ Dot1p

QinQ Mark Top Only (egress only)

Specifies whether top Q-tags are marked

SAP Ingress

Policy Name

Specifies the name of the ingress SAP policy

Queuing Type

Specifies the ingress queuing type

SAP Egress

Policy Name

Specifies the name of the egress SAP policy

Queue (click + ADD)

Queue ID

Specifies the unique identifier for the queue


Specifies the CBS of the queue


Specifies the MBS of the queue

PIR (kbps)

Specifies the PIR rate of the queue

CIR (kbps)

Specifies the CIR rate of the queue

Policer (click + ADD)

Policer ID

Specifies the unique identifier for the policer


Specifies the CBS of the policer


Specifies the MBS of the policer

Policer Control Policy

Policy Name

Specifies the name of the policer control policy

Scheduler Policy

Policy Name

Specifies the name of the scheduler policy

Scheduler (click + ADD)

Scheduler Name

Specifies the name of the scheduler

PIR (kbps)

Specifies the PIR rate of the scheduler

CIR (kbps)

Specifies the CIR rate of the scheduler


Click ADD.

The Add EPIPES form closes.


In the SDP Details panel, click + ADD.

The Add SDP form opens.


Configure the parameters, as required:



Service Type

Specifies the service type

Service Name

Specifies the name of the service. Must be unique from other services created using NSP.

Admin State

Specifies the desired state of the service SDP binding

Source Device ID

Specifies the SDP source device identifier

Destination Device ID

Specifies the SDP destination device identifier

Steering Parameter

Specifies the steering parameter used by NSP


Specifies the SDP identifier


Describes the SDP binding

Override VC-ID

Specifies whether or not the VC-ID will serve as the NE service ID for the SDP


Specifies the SDP virtual circuit identifier

Interface Name (l3vpn service type only)

Species the name of the interface

VC Type

Specifies the virtual circuit type, Ether or VLAN


Click ADD.

The Add SDP form closes.


Perform one of the following:

  1. Select the Reserve Resources check box and click PLAN to create the service in a Planned state.

  2. Click SAVE to create the service in a Saved state.

  3. Click DEPLOY to create the service in a Deployed state.

See What is Life Cycle State? for more information.

Note: A list of existing composite services can be viewed from the SERVICES page by choosing Composite Services from the drop-down menu. Attempting to align a composite service by choosing the 'Pull from Network' option will result in an error.

End of steps

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