How do I create a tunnel template?


Perform How do I import an intent type into Service Management?.

From the Service Management, Tunnel Templates view, select Tunnel Polices from the drop-down menu and click + CREATE.

The Create a tunnel template form opens.

Configure the parameters, as required.



Template Name

Specifies the name of the template


Describes the template

Tunnel Intent Type

Specifies the tunnel intent type to associate with the template

Intent Version

Specifies which version of the selected tunnel intent type to associated with the template


Specifies the state of the template, Released or Draft

Config Form

Specifies the interface to be used with the template

If required, click + ADD in the Workflows panel to add workflows to the tunnel template.

The Add Workflows form opens.

Configure the parameters, as required:



Workflow Name

Specifies the workflow to be executed

Service Life Cycle State

Specifies the life cycle state of the tunnel that will trigger workflow execution

Service Life Cycle Case

Specifies the case, Success or Fail, relative to the life cycle state that will trigger workflow execution


Specifies whether unsuccessful execution of the workflow will prevent tunnel life cycle state changes

Workflow Execution Timeout (seconds)

Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that unsuccessful execution of the workflow will prevent tunnel life cycle state changes

Click ADD.

The Add Workflows form closes and the workflow is added to the tunnel template.


The tunnel template is created.

End of steps

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