How do I create a Wavence Backhaul service?


Use this procedure to create a Wavence Backhaul service. The parameters that are available to you is dependant on the intent type that is associated with the service template you select, and may differ from those described in this procedure, which assumes the Nokia-provided Wavence Backhaul template is being used.

Note: For Wavence Backhaul services, validations from NFM-P are not propagated to NSP. For all the validation or error messages that correspond to service failures seen in NSP, the user should refer to the NFM-P logs.


Perform How do I create a service template?.

From the Service Management, Services view, click + CREATE.

The Select a service template to start form opens displaying a list of service templates.

Click on a Wavence Backhaul service template from the list.

The Create Service form opens with the Template Name parameter populated.

Configure the parameters, as required:



Service Name

Specifies the name of the service. Must be unique from other services created using NSP.

Customer ID

Specifies the customer ID


Describes the service

NE Service ID

Specifies the NE service ID

Ring Element Instance Id

Specifies the Ring Element Instance ID

Search Path

Specifies whether or not to search paths between the endpoints

In the Site Details panel, click + ADD.

The Add Site form opens.

Configure the parameters, as required:




Specifies the site to be used

Port ID

Specifies the port to be used

Pass Node

Specifies whether or not the endpoint is a pass through node.

Ring Site

Specifies whether or not the endpoint is part of ring network

Outer Tag

Outer Tag

Specifies the outer tag

Click ADD to add the site.

The Add Site form closes.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Select the Reserve Resources check box and click PLAN to create the service in a Planned state.

  2. Click SAVE to create the service in a Saved state.

  3. Click DEPLOY to create the service in a Deployed state.

See What is Life Cycle State? for more information.

End of steps

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