
Shelf objects in the NFM-P navigation tree

In the equipment navigation tree, shelf objects are children of device objects. They appear below logical group objects in the navigation tree. Card slot objects are children of shelf objects, and as such appear below the shelf object in the navigation tree. Daughter card slot objects are created in the navigation tree as children of the card slot object, after the card slot object is configured. APS bundle objects appear below the shelf object and Bundle objects appear below daughter card objects that are configured as channelized MDAs. See Chapter 38, APS for more information about APS bundles.

Shelf objects represent the hardware that is configured on a shelf. When you choose the shelf object in the navigation tree and click on Properties in the contextual menu, you can view the states and conditions of the shelf including:

  • general information

  • fan tray state and speed

  • power supply tray statuses

  • LED statuses

  • card slots

  • hardware environment information

  • CCM properties

  • PoE

  • timing

  • statistics

  • dry contacts

  • faults

  • port segregation

  • software control module

  • software bank information

  • cross connects

The Display tab displays a graphical representation of the device’s shelf and its equipment components, such as the empty card slots and the cards that are installed on the device. You can double-click on an object under this tab to open its Properties configuration form. Right-click on the object and you have full access to the contextual menus for the object and any child objects, for example the ports of a card (dynamic graphical representation only).

Chassis modes

The chassis mode of a device indicates the minimum IOM or IMM card type that is initialized by the device and determines the scaling numbers and features that are available to the system. See the appropriate device Release Notice for scaling information.

Note: Chassis modes are not supported on the 7950 XRS, and are not required for NEs using SR OS, Release 15.0 or later. After upgrading an NE to SR OS Release 15.0 or later, the chassis mode is displayed as D and cannot be modified.

Timing synchronization

The NFM-P supports the configuration of timing synchronization on supporting NEs. Configurations are typically performed on the shelf properties form. Additional configurations may be required on the NE properties form, for example, to configure specific timing protocols. See Workflow to manage shelf objects.

The NFM-P supports the following timing synchronization options. See the NE documentation for information about synchronization support for a specific NE.

See To configure timing synchronization for more information about configuring timing synchronization.

Note: NTP and SNTP are also available for compatible devices but are configured separately from timing synchronization. See To configure NTP on supported devices and To configure SNTP on a 7705 SAR.

IEEE 1588 PTP clock

The NFM-P supports IEEE 1588 PTP clocks and the ITU-T G.8265.1, G.8275.1, or G.8275.2 PTP profile, for packet-based timing synchronization on supporting NEs.

The IEC/IEEE 61850.9.3 PTP clock profile supports recovery of frequency as well as time/phase. PTP transport is based on Ethernet encapsulation with multicast addressing. Instead of the delay-request/response mechanism, the IEC/IEEE 61850.9.3 profile uses the peer delay mechanism.

The C37.238-2017 profile is an extension of IEC/IEEE 61850.9.3 profile with support of additional TLVs.

The IEC/IEEE 61850.9.3 and the C37.238-2017 profiles are supported on a 7705 SAR with a CSM clock ID.

Support for IEC/IEEE 61850.9.3 and C37.238-2017 profiles on 7210 SAS-DXP 16 and 24 port variants is available from NFM-P Release 23.4 and node release 22.9 R1 onwards.

Depending on the device, NEs can be configured with an ordinary master, ordinary slave, or boundary clock. The 7705 SAR-A, 7705 SAR-Ax, 7705 SAR-H, 7705 SAR-Hc, 7705 SAR-M/ME, 7705 SAR-W, and 7705 SAR-Wx can also be configured with a transparent clock.

The following satellites on 7450 ESS, 7750 SR and 7950 XRS nodes, Release 16.0 R5 and later support transparent clock functionality:

For some NEs, PTP can operate in two modes. In PTP pure mode, PTP is selected as both the timing reference and frequency source. In PTP hybrid mode, PTP is selected as the timing reference, and SSU (for example, SyncE or BITS) is selected as the frequency source.

Synchronization management

You can use the NFM-P to manage synchronization domains and assign IP path monitors to PTP peers. See Chapter 46, Synchronization management for more information.