vm command reference

vm command descriptions

This section provides the following vm command descriptions:

clear vm command descriptions


  • vm vm-id
  • vm vm-id fp [1..2] dist-cpu-protection
  • vm vm-id fp [1..2] ingress mode {access | network} queue-group ref-point-name instance instance statistics
  • vm vm-id soft [hard-reset-unsupported-mdas]

This command re-initializes the statistics for the specified VM.

Specifies the VM ID for which information is to be cleared.
Values: 1 to 20
Keyword to issue a soft-reset of the I/O module.
{access | network}
access | network
Specifies the reference point name, up to 32 characters.
Specifies the instance.
Values: 1 to 65535
Keyword to clear statistics only.

show vm command descriptions


  • vm
  • vm vm-id [detail]
  • vm vm-id memory-pools
  • vm vm-id cpu [sample-period seconds]
  • vm vm-id ht-pairs
  • vm vm-id virtual fp

This command displays information for the specified VM.

In the output screens, the number of cores for the selected VM CPU is also included. The CPU Time and CPU Usage is displayed per CP Core in the VM CPU output example.

In the VM virtual FP output, the Utilization percentage is displayed per fast path Core.

Specifies the ID of the VM for which information is to be displayed.
Values: 1 to 20 | A | B
Keyword to display more information for the specified VM.
Keyword to display memory pool details for the specified VM.
Keyword to display CPU usage details for the specified VM.
Specifies the sampling period in seconds.
Values: 1 to 300
Default: 1
virtual fp
Displays the virtual FP statistics for the specified VM.
  • The Utilization value shows the current utilization of the specific core by this vFP task on the specified VM. It is the ratio of the useful versus the sum of the useful and busy-loop executions of a vFP task, all of which run in a busy-loop mode for performance reasons.
  • When hyper-threading is enabled, some performance-critical tasks (for example, NIC and Scheduler) run only on one core of the hyper-thread pair, with the sibling core being idle (not used for any tasks).
Displays hyper-threading vCPU pairs for the specified VM.
  • When the reported HT state in the output is ON, hyper-threading optimization is enabled on the VM.
  • When the HT state is N/A, either hyper-threading is not supported by the CPU or hyper-threading optimization support is not available on the VM.
  • When the HT state is OFF, hyper-threading optimization is disabled.

The following output examples show virtual fabric information.

VM statistics
A:MAG-c# show vm   
VM Summary
VM     Provisioned Type                            Admin Operational   Comments
Id         Equipped Type (if different)            State State         
1      iom-v                                       up    up            
2      iom-v                                       up    booting       
3      iom-v-mg                                    up    up            
4      iom-v-mg                                    up    up            
A      cpm-v                                       up    up/active     
B      cpm-v                                       up    up/standby    
Table 1. Admin and operational state values
Value Description
Admin State
noop Indicates that a query is made for a slot/VM number that is invalid
up Administrative state up
down Administrative state down
Operational State
unknown Indicates that a query is made for a slot/VM number that is invalid
up Operational state up
down Operational state down
failed Indicates that the object has failed to become operational
booting Indicates that the object is in booting sequence
empty Indicates that the slot/VM number is empty
provisioned Indicates that the slot/VM number is pre-provisioned, but the slot is empty or occupied by another type of card
unprovisioned Indicates that the object is not configured
VM detail statistics
A:MAG-c# show vw 1 detail
VM 1
Slot      Provisioned Type                         Admin Operational   Comments
              Equipped Type (if different)         State State
1         iom-v                                    up    up
Disk - cf1:
    Administrative State          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Size                          : 1,019 MB
    Free space                    : 942,056 KB
    Percent Used                  : 9 %
Disk - cf2:
    Administrative State          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Size                          : 1,019 MB
    Free space                    : 1,019 MB
    Percent Used                  : 0 %
Disk - cf3:
    Administrative State          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Size                          : 1,189 MB
    Free space                    : 788,788 KB
    Percent Used                  : 35 %
Virtual Machine Card Specific Data
    Hypervisor                    : (Not Specified)
    CPU                           : (Not Specified)
    Number of cores               : 0
Hardware Data
    Administrative state          : up
    Operational state             : up
    Software version              : TiMOS-MG-I-21.5.B1-25 iom/x86_64 Nokia
                                    7750 SR-MG Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Nokia.
                                    All rights reserved. All use subject to
                                    applicable license agreements.
                                    Built on Wed May 12 20:07:25 PDT 2021 by
                                    builder in /builds/c/MG215B/B1-25/panos/
    Time of last boot             : 2021/05/13 12:38:49
    Base MAC address              : 00:00:01:00:00:00
    Firmware revision status      : acceptable
    Memory capacity               : 8,192 MB
  • When an OAM-VM switchover takes place, the Time of Last Boot field is updated for both OAM-VMs (active and standby).
  • The Memory capacity fields indicate the total physical memory assigned to the card/VM.
VM memory pool statistics
A:MAG-c# show vm A memory-pools
VM A Memory Pools
Name                Max Allowed    Current Size      Max So Far          In Use
ACCTMGR                No limit               0               0               0
BFD                    No limit       3,145,728       3,145,728       2,100,336
BGP                    No limit       5,242,880       5,242,880       4,122,168
CALLTRACE              No limit      26,214,400      26,214,400      22,739,176
CDBMGR                 No limit               0               0               0
CFLOWD                 No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576          26,384
Cards & Ports          No limit      11,534,336      12,582,912       6,661,536
DCM                    No limit       3,145,728       3,145,728       2,899,832
DHCP Server            No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576         126,720
DTH                    No limit       9,437,184       9,437,184       5,828,312
ETH-CFM                No limit       5,242,880       5,242,880       4,495,776
GTP                    No limit               0               0               0
GTP'                   No limit       4,194,304       4,194,304       3,731,288
GXCL                   No limit               0               0               0
GXL                    No limit               0               0               0
ICC                 167,772,160       3,145,728       3,145,728       2,924,504
IMSI Db Appl           No limit      44,040,192      53,477,376      29,275,056
IOM                    No limit      10,485,760      10,485,760       9,695,816
IP Stack               No limit      26,214,400      31,457,280      24,133,304
IS-IS                  No limit       2,097,152       2,097,152       1,622,512
ISA                    No limit       4,194,304       4,194,304       2,963,368
LDP                    No limit      18,874,368      18,874,368      17,139,808
LTE AMS                No limit       4,194,304       4,194,304       3,562,760
LTE APM                No limit       6,291,456       6,291,456       5,467,176
LTE LDNSC              No limit               0               0               0
LTE OLC                No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576          40,968
LTE RADPROXY           No limit               0               0               0
LTE SD                 No limit               0               0               0
LTE SDLB               No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576         426,232
LTE SWM                No limit               0               0               0
LTE_DHCP               No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576             200
LTE_LI                 No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576           3,664
Logging             243,269,632      10,485,760      10,485,760       3,333,240
LteRADIUS Appl         No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576         113,744
MBUF                536,870,912      15,728,640      15,728,640      14,587,064
MCS                    No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576          97,200
MC_RED                 No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576         273,504
MIP                    No limit               0               0               0
MPLS/RSVP              No limit      32,505,856      32,505,856      24,496,200
MSCP_SVC               No limit               0               0               0
MSNGR                  No limit               0               0               0
Management             No limit      13,631,488      23,068,672      12,334,904
OAM                    No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576         298,800
OSPF                   No limit       3,145,728       3,145,728       1,218,656
OpenFlow               No limit       3,145,728       3,145,728       1,116,888
PFCP                   No limit               0               0               0
PKI                    No limit       2,097,152       2,097,152         715,432
PMIP                   No limit               0               0               0
RIP                    No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576          77,128
ROL                    No limit               0               0               0
RTM/Policies           No limit      11,534,336      11,534,336       9,289,336
Redundancy             No limit      23,068,672      23,068,672       1,744,712
Rf                     No limit       5,242,880       5,242,880       2,136,736
S6B                    No limit               0               0               0
SCTP                   No limit       4,194,304       4,194,304       3,295,032
SESSMGR                No limit               0               0               0
SIM                    No limit       4,194,304       4,194,304       2,534,288
Security               No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576          32,616
Services               No limit      46,137,344      46,137,344      38,841,456
Signaling              No limit      18,874,368      18,874,368      16,722,248
Stats                  No limit       2,097,152       2,097,152       1,374,136
Subscriber Mgmt        No limit      17,825,792      17,825,792      11,752,760
System                 No limit     380,633,088     383,778,816     365,316,168
TUNMGR                 No limit               0               0               0
Traffic Eng            No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576         541,016
VRRP                   No limit       1,048,576       1,048,576         147,176
WEB Redirect          8,388,608       1,048,576       1,048,576         148,680
ZFS                    No limit     102,760,448     109,051,904      97,691,728
Current Total Size :      900,726,784 bytes
Total In Use       :      760,217,744 bytes
Available Memory   :    6,855,589,888 bytes
Table 2. Memory fields
Value Description
Current Total Size Indicates the current size of the allocated memory for a memory pool
Total In Use Indicates how much out of the current size is being used
Available Memory Indicates the amount of memory available for allocation to any memory pool when necessary
VM CPU statistics
A:MAG-c# show vm 3 cpu 
VM 3 CPU Utilization (Sample period: 1 second)
Name                         Cores         CPU Time     CPU Usage      Capacity
                             (HT=ON)         (uSec)                    Usage
IOM                              6           75,688         1.26%         0.58%
Total                                     5,988,760       100.00%              
   Idle                                   5,913,348        98.74%              
   Usage                                     75,412         1.25%              
Busiest Core Utilization                     16,423         1.64%              
Per Core Statistics
Core ID           CPU Time                 CPU Usage
0                    16,422                     1.64%
1                    11,682                     1.17%
2                    9,742                      0.97%
3                    14,326                     1.43%
4                    11,458                     1.14%
5                    11,782                     1.18%
VM HT vCPU pairs statistics
A:MAG-c# show vm 3 ht-pairs
VM 3 HT CPU pairs
Core id     Sibling Core id                      
0            3
1            4
2            5
6            13                               
7            14           
8            15                               
9            23
10           24            
VM virtual forwarding plane statistics
# show vm 4 virtual fp             
VM 4 Virtual Forwarding Plane Statistics
Task                   vCPUs     Average        Maximum
                       (HT=ON)  Utilization    Utilization
NIC                    1         0.00 %         0.00 %
Worker                 6         0.04 %         0.04 %
Scheduler              1         0.00 %         0.00 %
Per Task Statistics
Task         Core id      Utilization                    
Worker           3           0.04 %                     
Worker           4           0.04 %
Worker           5           0.03 %                     
Scheduler        6           0.00 %                     
NIC              7           0.00 %                     
Worker           11          0.04 %                     
Worker           12          0.04 %
Worker           13          0.04 %                     


  • virtual

This command displays virtual VM information.


  • cpu-scheduling
  • [Tree] show vm virtual cpu-scheduling

This command displays virtual CPU scheduling information on the VM.


  • fp

This command displays virtual forwarding plane information on the VM.