Log events
Get a summary of the supported alarms and raising events and detailed descriptions per alarm and event object.
Property name | Value |
Application name | MC_REDUNDANCY |
Event ID |
5002 |
Event name | tmnxMcMobileBothLockedToMaster |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcMobRedundancyNotifications.6 |
Default severity | minor |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | For peers $tmnxMcPeerIpAddrForNotify$ and $tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$ both nodes locked to the active operational role |
Cause |
A misconfiguration, to enable mc-master-lock on both Primary and Secondary geo-redundancy nodes is ONLY allowed when mc-mobile link between the geo-redundancy nodes is down and both have turned into the active operational role. When the mc-mobile link comes UP, the notification tmnxMcMobileBothLockedToMaster is generated indicating both the Primary and Secondary nodes are locked in the active operational role. Under steady state, that is, mc-mobile link between the geo-redundancy nodes is UP and peering is successful, mc-master-lock CLI configuration is allowed only on the node in the active operational role. |
Effect | The geo-redundancy link will not be established as these mobile-gateways cannot be peered. |
Recovery | Diagnose and fix the mc-master-lock misconfiguration. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2040 |
Event name | tmnxMcMobileGeoRedChgInfo |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcMobRedundancyNotifications.2 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw- $tmnxMcPeerMobileMGId$ ,Src Address-$tmnxMcPeerSrcIpAddr$, CPM Geo-Red State- $tmnxMcPeerMobileMGCPMGeoRedState$, Mob GW Geo Red State-$tmnxMcPeerMobileMGGeoRedState$, Number of Hot Groups- $tmnxMcPeerMobileMGNumHotGroups$ ($tmnxMcPeerMGHotGroupList$), Number Of Warm Groups-$tmnxMcPeerMobileMGNumWarmGroups$ ( $tmnxMcPeerMGWarmGroupList$), Number Of Cold Groups-$tmnxMcPeerMobileMGNumColdGroups$ ($tmnxMcPeerMGColdGroupList$), Peer Address- $tmnxMcPeerIpAddr$, Peer State-$tmnxMcPeerMobileMGPeerState$, Peer State Reason-$tmnxMcPeerMobileMGPeerStChgRsn$ |
Cause | The chassis or the CPM changed its geo-redundancy state or the peer connection status changed. |
Effect | If the chassis state or the CPM state has changed to "cold" or "warm" the system is no longer in geo-redundant state. If the peer state is "disconnected" the system is no longer in a geo-redundant state. |
Recovery | Diagnose what caused this state change. Bring the peer and/or peer-link up and ensure that the chassis and CPM geo-redundancy states are "hot". |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 5001 |
Event name | tmnxMcMonitorMcIcrAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MC-REDUNDANCY-MIB.tmnxMcMobRedundancyNotifications.5 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | The monitor-mc-icr alarm occurred on interface $vRtrIfIndex$ for the reason $tmnxMcMonitorMcIcrAlarmRsnCode$. |
Cause | Generated with the following reason codes: 1. tmnxMcMonitorMcIcrAlarmRsnCode trafficDetected the reference point traffic detected on the standby node reaches the configured monitor-mc-redirect high threshold vRtrIfMonMcRedirectHighThresh. 2. tmnxMcMonitorMcIcrAlarmRsnCode trafficCleared the reference point traffic is below the configured monitor-mc- redirect low threshold vRtrIfMonMcRedirectLowThresh. |
Effect | A network configuration issue or a partial network failure is detected. |
Recovery | Diagnose and fix the partial network failure. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MOBILE_CUPS_BNG |
Event ID |
2012 |
Event name | tmnxMobBngStaticSeOperStateUp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.150 |
Default severity | warning |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | Static session $tmnxMobGwNtfySessionName$ is $tmnxMobGwNtfyTruthValue$operational |
Cause | The operational state of a static CUPS BNG session changes. |
Effect | When the operational state of a static CUPS BNG session is down, the user associated with the session is disconnected. |
Recovery | The recovery action depends on the cause. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngLockoutLimitExceeded |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.120 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | The maximum number of BNG sessions in locked-out or monitored state is exceeded $tmnxMobGwNtfyInformation$ |
Cause | While the maximum number of BNG sessions in monitored or locked-out state is in use, a new session must be monitored or locked out. |
Effect | Another session being monitored or locked out is prematurely released to accommodate the new session. |
Recovery | Recovery is not necessary. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngNatPrefixRevocation |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.133 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CUPS BNG NAT Prefix revocation : MSCP $tmnxMobGwNtfyMscpId$ Realm $tmnxMobGwNtfyNwRealmName$ pool $tmnxMobGwNtfyPoolName$ Gw $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, UP $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpPeerAddress$, prefix $tmnxMobGwNtfyAddr$/$tmnxMobGwNtfyPfxLength$, reason '$tmnxMobGwNtfyRevocationReason$' |
Cause | An error occurred during NAT audit between MSCP and OAM or ODSA can't ack the prefix. |
Effect | The session will be deleted. |
Recovery |
N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MOBILE_CUPS_BNG |
Event ID |
2010 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngResFsgUpfChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.134 |
Default severity | warning |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | UP resiliency: UP change: Gw $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, UP group $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngUpGroup$, FSG $tmnxMobGwNtfyFsgId$, primary UP $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpf1$ (health $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpf1Health$), secondary UP $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpf2$ (health $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpf2Health$), previous primary UP $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpf1Prev$, previous secondary UP $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpf2Prev$ |
Cause | The value of TIMETRA-MOBILE-PDN-MIB::tmnxMobPdnBngResFsgPrimUpf or TIMETRA-MOBILE-PDN-MIB::tmnxMobPdnBngResFsgSecUpf has changed. |
Effect | If it is the primary UPF that changed, the traffic associated with this Fate Sharing Group is now going through another UPF system. If it is the secondary UPF that changed and if the pair is hot-standby, another UPF system now keeps track of sessions state. |
Recovery | No recovery actions are required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngResFsgUpfError |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.149 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | UP resiliency: UP error: Gw $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, UP group $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngUpGroup$, FSG $tmnxMobGwNtfyFsgId$, $tmnxMobGwNtfyTruthValue$ UP $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpf1$: $tmnxMobGwNtfyError$$tmnxMobGwNtfyInformation$ |
Cause |
This system, acting as a CUPS Control Plane, has requested a UP to modify (including create/delete) a Fate Sharing Group, and the UP reported an error. |
Effect | If the UP is the active UPF for this Fate Sharing Group, the role of active UPF is transferred to the UPF that was previously the active UPF. |
Recovery | No recovery actions are required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngSessCreateUpfNonResp |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.106 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CUPS BNG Session create UP non-response for: Gw $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, VRtr $tmnxMobGwNtfyVrtrId$, UP $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpPeerAddress$, node-ID $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerNodeId$, session key: L2-access-id $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyL2Acc$, s-vlan $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeySVlan$, c-vlan $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyCVlan$, mac $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyMac$, circuit-id '0x$tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyCirId$', remote-id '0x $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyRemId$' |
Cause | A Create Session Request sent to the UP is not acknowledged with a response message. |
Effect | The session in setup is cancelled on the CP. The UP might have a lingering session state. |
Recovery | The operator's assistance is needed to remove any session state lingering on the UP. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2008 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngSessDuplAttr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.132 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CUPS BNG Session setup duplicate session identification attribute detected: Gw $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, VRtr $tmnxMobGwNtfyVrtrId$, UP $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpPeerAddress$, node-ID $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerNodeId$, L2-access-id $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyL2Acc$, s-vlan $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeySVlan$, c-vlan $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyCVlan$, mac $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyMac$, circuit-id '0x$tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyCirId$', remote-id '0x $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyRemId$', up-group '$tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngUpGroup$' |
Cause | A session is setup with attributes which conflict with other active sessions' unique session identification attributes or attribute combinations. |
Effect | The setup session is not available for external targeting based on session attribute identification. |
Recovery | In case external targeting capability is required, the operator's assistance is needed to clear the session. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngSessTermBySystem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.105 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CUPS BNG session terminated by the system: Reason $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessTermReas$, extra info ' $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessTermInfo$', Gw $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, VRtr $tmnxMobGwNtfyVrtrId$, UP-ip $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpPeerAddress$, L2-access-id $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyL2Acc$, s-vlan $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeySVlan$, c-vlan $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyCVlan$, mac $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyMac$, circuit-id '0x$tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyCirId$', remote-id '0x $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessKeyRemId$', up-group '$tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngUpGroup$' |
Cause | The system found a reason, as indicated by tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSessTermReas for terminating a session. |
Effect | The established session is terminated or the session in setup is cancelled. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2003 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngSubscriberCreate |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.111 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CUPS BNG new subscriber created: Sub-Id '$tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSubId$', externally assigned alias (if any) ' $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSubExtAlias$, UP IP $tmnxMobGwNtfyAddr$' |
Cause |
A session setup, for which there wasn't any subscriber state yet, is successful. |
Effect | The subscriber state is created. |
Recovery |
Not applicable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MOBILE_CUPS_BNG |
Event ID |
2004 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwBngSubscriberDelete |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.112 |
Default severity | warning |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | CUPS BNG subscriber deleted: Sub-Id ' $tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSubId$', externally assigned alias (if any) '$tmnxMobGwNtfyCupsBngSubExtAlias$, UP IP $tmnxMobGwNtfyAddr$' |
Cause | A session termination of the last session belonging to an active subscriber. |
Effect | The subscriber state is deleted. |
Recovery |
Not applicable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MOBILE_GATEWAY |
Event ID |
2084 |
Event name | tmnxMcRedundancyTrafficReceived |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.82 |
Default severity | major |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointType$, RefPointName-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointName$, InterfaceType-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIfType$. |
Cause | Traffic is detected at the ICR node due to a network issue. |
Effect | When traffic comes to the ICR node, it is dropped if traffic redirection, which means shunting, is not used. If shunting is used, then the traffic is forwarded accordingly. |
Recovery | Check the cause of routing change in the network and fix it if possible. If the traffic can not be directed back, but the whole routing works towards the node, perform an ICR switchover. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2151 |
Event name | tmnxMobDbRedRoleActive |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.153 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Database $tmnxMobDbId$ with IP address $tmnxMobDbIpAddr$ is now active |
Cause | The redundancy role of a database has changed from 'standby' to 'active'. |
Effect | The database is actively being used. |
Recovery |
Not applicable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MOBILE_GATEWAY |
Event ID |
2152 |
Event name | tmnxMobDbStatusChanged |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.154 |
Default severity | minor |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | Database $tmnxMobDbId$ with IP address $tmnxMobDbIpAddr$ is now $tmnxMobDbStatus$ |
Cause |
The state of a database has changed. |
Effect | When the new state is 'up', the connection with the database is available. When the new state is 'down', the connection with the database is not available. |
Recovery | If the new state is 'down' and there is no subsequent 'tmnxMobDbRedRoleActive' notification, an ICR switchover is recommended. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2038 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwABSAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.36 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | ABS Alarm State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyABSAlarmState$: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Group- $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$, Card-$tmnxMobGwNtfyCardSlotNum$, reason-$tmnxMobGwNtfyABSAlarmRsnCode$. |
Cause | The set of internal parameters for ICC call latency and memory utilization reach the high threshold (activated), and/or fall below the low threshold for at least some time period (de-activated). |
Effect | When the ABS alarm is active, the application will use the Selective Packet Discard flag passed from the Octeon drive to make a decision if the packet should be dropped. When the ABS alarm is inactive, the Octeon drive will stop passing the Selective Packet Discard flag to the application. |
Recovery | Diagnose why the high memory utilization and/or control signaling overload happened. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2109 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAcctBuffResourceProblem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.107 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Insufficient Radius accounting messages retransmission buffer resources for Radius group $tmnxMobGwNtfyRadGrpName$ |
Cause | A Radius server does not reply timely to the Radius accounting messages the system transmitted, or the configuration does not adequately distribute the accounting messages. |
Effect | Some Radius accounting messages will never be retransmitted. |
Recovery | Recovery depends on the problem cause. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2010 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAcrFailuresAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.6 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point-$tmnxMobGwNtfyChrgRefPointType$, peer name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerName$, peer index-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerIndex$, peer address-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerAddr$, port- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerPort$ Failure Type-$tmnxMobGwNtfyAcrFailureType$. |
Cause | The 2 ACR transmission failures occur in a 10 second interval or 5 ACR transmission failures occur in a 60 second interval to the peer. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2007 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAcrFailuresAlarmMajor |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.3 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point-$tmnxMobGwNtfyChrgRefPointType$, peer name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerName$, peer index-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerIndex$, peer address-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerAddr$, port- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerPort$, Failure Type-$tmnxMobGwNtfyAcrFailureType$. |
Cause | The Charging Data Functions (CDF) peer is slow to respond or is not responding to RF ACR messages. From a Diameter connection perspective, the peer is still in service. |
Effect | The gateway chooses a secondary CDF peer to send the RF accounting messages to. |
Recovery | Diagnose why the CDF peer is slow to respond or is not responding to RF accounting message requests. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2124 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwApnMaxAttachLmtAlrm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.124 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, APN Name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyApnName$, attach request rate reached maximum limit. |
Cause | The GTP-based attach rate exceeds the configurable max-session-attach limit for tmnxMobGwNtfyApnName is reached |
Effect | If there is a new GTP-based attach and attach rate has been exceeded, the new attach will be rejected. |
Recovery | The alarm is cleared when the rate goes back below the limit. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2125 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwApnMaxAttachLmtAlrmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.125 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, APN Name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyApnName$, attach request rate goes below maximum limit. |
Cause | The GTP-based attach rate drops below the configurable limit max-session-attach limit for this tmnxMobGwNtfyApnName. |
Effect | The GTP-based attach rate drops below the configurable limit. |
Recovery | No further action required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2075 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAssociationPeerState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.73 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Association state changed to $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerAssociatnState$ for $tmnxMobGwNtfySigPlaneType$ Peer $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerNodeId$ on GW $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$ Reference Point $tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointType$ $tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointName$ (IP Address: $tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddr$). Recovery Time: $tmnxMobGwNtfyRecoveryTimestamp$ cp func $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerCPFuncFeatures$ up func $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerUPFuncFeatures$ bbf up func $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerBbfUPFuncFeats$ |
Cause | The Association state changes when the association is either setup or released. The association can be setup/released by association related Node level messages triggered by either the gateway or the peer. Association Messages are initiated by the gateway if the peer is configured in the association Peer list. |
Effect | Path management for PFCP peers and UPF selection can occur after the association is established. Path management or UPF selection will not happen in case of association down. |
Recovery | If the association state is down and the release was initiated by the Gateway, the Gateway must come up for the association to be reestablished. If the release was initiated by the peer, the peer will trigger the setup when it comes up again. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2121 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAssocNodeIdFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.121 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, epc-node not configured for $tmnxMobGwPdnNtfySxAssociation$ |
Cause | PFCP Association Setup failure to establish due to Node ID missing. |
Effect | PFCP Association Setup procedure will continue to fail to peer node while Node ID is missing. |
Recovery | Configure a valid string for epc-node under the context configure mobile-gateway pdn. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2123 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAssocNodeIdFailClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.123 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, configured epc-node re-established for $tmnxMobGwPdnNtfySxAssociation$ |
Cause | PFCP Association Setup re-established after node id is present. |
Effect | There is no effect for this notification. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2143 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAssocNodeIdMismatch |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.143 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, node ID mismatched for $tmnxMobGwPdnNtfySxAssociation$ PFCP association setup |
Cause | PFCP Association Setup failure to establish due to mismatch of the provided node ID value from all of the PFCP association peer list configuration. |
Effect | PFCP Association Setup procedure will continue to fail the peer node while node ID provided continues to mismatch to any entry in the association list. |
Recovery | Provide a valid node ID configuration entry for the peer list configuration based on the node ID in the PFCP association. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2144 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAssocNodeIdMismatchClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.144 |
Default severity |
cleared |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, node ID match found for $tmnxMobGwPdnNtfySxAssociation$ PFCP association |
Cause |
PFCP Association Setup is re-established after the node id provided matches with a valid peer list configuration. |
Effect | PFCP Association Setup is established. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2146 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAssocPfcpNdIdIpTypErClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.146 |
Default severity |
cleared |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, PFCP node ID IP type match occurred after a prior mismatch for $tmnxMobGwPdnNtfySxAssociation$ PFCP association |
Cause |
PFCP Association Setup is re-established after the node ID IP-type value provided matches with a valid Sx reference point peer interface address configuration. |
Effect | PFCP Association Setup is established. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2145 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwAssocPfcpNodeIdIpTypErr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.145 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, pfcp node ID IP type mismatched for $tmnxMobGwPdnNtfySxAssociation$ PFCP association |
Cause |
PFCP Association Setup failure to establish due to mismatch of the provided node ID IP-type value with all the configured Sx reference point entry interface address types. |
Effect | PFCP Association Setup procedure will continue to fail while the PFCP node ID IP-type provided continues to mismatch to any address in all the Sx reference point interface configuration. |
Recovery | To provide a valid node ID IP-type configuration in the TIMETRA-MOBILE-PDN-MIB::tmnxMobPdnPfcpNodeIdIpType or create an equivalent IP-type address interface configuration of the Sx reference point configuration. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2098 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCamUtilAlarmMajor |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.94 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CAM utilization alarm major: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, group- $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$, resource-id-$tmnxMobGwNtfyResourceId$, alarm type-$tmnxMobGwNtfyCamUtilIpType$, ipv4 CAM size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4CamSize$, ipv4 CAM utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4CamUtilization$, ipv6 CAM size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6CamSize$, ipv6 CAM utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6CamUtilization$ |
Cause | The IPv4 or IPv6 CAM usage reaches the configured threshold because the IPv4 or IPv6 CAM is close to being exhausted. |
Effect | If the utilization of the IPv4 or IPv6 CAM reaches 100%, the PGW rejects requests for new PDN connections. |
Recovery | If the utilization of the IPv4 or IPv6 CAM reaches 100%, the operator's assistance is needed to remove rules from the configuration. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2096 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCamUtilAlarmMinor |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.92 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CAM utilization alarm minor: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, group- $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$, resource-id-$tmnxMobGwNtfyResourceId$, alarm type-$tmnxMobGwNtfyCamUtilIpType$, ipv4 CAM size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4CamSize$, ipv4 CAM utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4CamUtilization$, ipv6 CAM size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6CamSize$, ipv6 CAM utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6CamUtilization$ |
Cause | The IPv4 or IPv6 CAM usage reaches the configured threshold because the IPv4 or IPv6 CAM is close to being exhausted. |
Effect | If the utilization of the IPv4 or IPv6 CAM reaches 100%, the PGW rejects requests for new PDN connections. |
Recovery | If the utilization of the IPv4 or IPv6 CAM reaches 100%, the operator's assistance is needed to remove rules from the configuration. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2099 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCamUtilAlmMjrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.95 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CAM utilization alarm major clear: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, group- $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$, resource-id-$tmnxMobGwNtfyResourceId$, alarm type-$tmnxMobGwNtfyCamUtilIpType$, ipv4 CAM size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4CamSize$, ipv4 CAM utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4CamUtilization$, ipv6 CAM size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6CamSize$, ipv6 CAM utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6CamUtilization$ |
Cause | The IPv4 or IPv6 CAM usage is below the configured threshold. |
Effect | The PGW continues to accept requests for new PDN connections. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2097 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCamUtilAlmMnrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.93 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | CAM utilization alarm minor clear: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, group- $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$, resource-id-$tmnxMobGwNtfyResourceId$, alarm type-$tmnxMobGwNtfyCamUtilIpType$, ipv4 CAM size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4CamSize$, ipv4 CAM utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4CamUtilization$, ipv6 CAM size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6CamSize$, ipv6 CAM utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6CamUtilization$ |
Cause | The IPv4 or IPv6 CAM usage is below the configured threshold. |
Effect | The PGW continues to accept requests for new PDN connections. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MOBILE_GATEWAY |
Event ID |
2008 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCdfDownAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.4 |
Default severity | major |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Primary CDF- $tmnxMobGwNtfyPriCdfDiaPeer$, Secondary CDF-$tmnxMobGwNtfySecCdfDiaPeer$. |
Cause | CDF peers are down or communication paths to the peers are down. |
Effect | RF accounting messages are stored locally on the compact flash of the gateway. |
Recovery | Recover CDF peers or communication links with the peers. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2009 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCdfDownAlarmCleared |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.5 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, CDF-$tmnxMobGwNtfyCdfDiaPeer$. |
Cause | One of the primary or secondary CDFs comes up for active Rf diameter sessions. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2071 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCdrCfRedStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.69 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Detected Gtp Prime Group $tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpName$ writing CDR files to flash Id $tmnxMobGwNtfyFlashId$ |
Cause | The compact flash (CF) card is full causing Ga CDR files to be written to another CF card. |
Effect | Ga CDR files are written to another CF card. |
Recovery | Pull Ga CDR files from the gateway and then delete the files from the CF. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2069 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCdrMaxSubDirsUsedAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.67 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Full subdirectories for storing CDR files on compact flash $tmnxMobGwNtfyFlashId$ reached maximum number of subdirectories |
Cause | The subdirectories used to store Ga CDR files on the CF containing the maximum number of files per subdirectory reach the maximum number of subdirectories. |
Effect | The Ga CDR files are still written to the existing subdirectories following the round-robin algorithm and no CDR files are lost. |
Recovery | Pull the Ga CDR files from the gateway and then delete the files from the CF. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2070 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCdrMaxSubDirsUsedAlmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.68 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Full subdirectories for storing CDR files on compact flash $tmnxMobGwNtfyFlashId$ dropped below maximum number of subdirectories |
Cause | The number of full subdirectories for storing Ga CDR files on the CF drops below the maximum number of subdirectories. |
Effect | The CDR files are written to the existing subdirectories as per the limit set by the number of maximum files per subdirectory. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2013 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCfCapacityAlarmMajor |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.9 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Flash ID-$tmnxMobGwNtfyFlashId$, Flash Limit- $tmnxMobGwNtfyCfLimit$, GTP Prime Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpName$. |
Cause | Compact flash capacity is low because a CDF outage has occurred and accounting messages are stored locally on the compact flash of the gateway. |
Effect | There is limited space to store accounting messages on the compact flash of the gateway. Accounting messages will be lost when the compact flash has no space left. |
Recovery | Pull Accounting files from the gateway and then delete the files from the compact flash. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2011 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCfCapacityAlarmMinor |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.7 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Flash ID-$tmnxMobGwNtfyFlashId$, Flash Limit- $tmnxMobGwNtfyCfLimit$, GTP Prime Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpName$. |
Cause | The compact flash capacity reaches the 85% limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2014 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCfCapacityAlmMjrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.10 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Flash ID-$tmnxMobGwNtfyFlashId$, Flash Limit- $tmnxMobGwNtfyCfLimit$, GTP Prime Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpName$. |
Cause | The compact flash capacity drops below the 90% limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2012 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCfCapacityAlmMnrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.8 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Flash ID-$tmnxMobGwNtfyFlashId$, Flash Limit- $tmnxMobGwNtfyCfLimit$, GTP Prime Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpName$. |
Cause | The compact flash capacity drops below the 80% limit. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2100 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwCntrlFabricPartialFail |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.98 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Detected $tmnxMobGwNtfyFailureDirection$ failure for slot $tmnxMobGwNtfySlot$ on control fabric $tmnxMobGwNtfyFabricId$ |
Cause |
A tmnxMobGwCntrlFabricPartialFail is generated when a card loses connectivity to other cards in a particular direction over a particular control fabric. The card ID is indicated in tmnxMobGwNtfySlot, the failed fabric ID is indicated in tmnxMobGwNtfyFabricId and the direction of the failure (transmit/receive) is indicated in tmnxMobGwNtfyFailureDirection. |
Effect | The system uses a different control fabric that is operational to communicate with the affected card. |
Recovery | Manual intervention may be required to restore the connectivity. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2101 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwControlFabricFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.99 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Detected $tmnxMobGwNtfyFailureDirection$ failure for slot $tmnxMobGwNtfySlot$ on all control fabrics |
Cause | A loss of connectivity to other cards in a particular direction over all available control fabrics. |
Effect | The card cannot function properly as part of the system. |
Recovery | Attempt to restore connectivity by rebooting the affected card. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2033 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwDdnThrottlingStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.29 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Acct Application: Throttling DDN: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointType$, Ref protocol-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointProtocol$, RefPointName-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointName$, address type- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddrType$, peer address-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddr$, port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerPort$, duration- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDdnThrotDuration$, factor-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDdnThrotFactor$ |
Cause | The SGW starts throttling the DDN when it receives a throttling instruction carried in the "downlink (DL) low priority traffic Throttling" IE from a peer node. |
Effect | The SGW starts throttling the DDN based on a priority threshold value. The traffic with a priority value higher than or equal to the threshold value is considered as a bearer for non-priority traffic. |
Recovery | When the throttling time is over, the SGW stops throttling the DDN. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2034 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwDdnThrottlingStop |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.30 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Acct Application: Throttling DDN: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointType$, Ref protocol-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointProtocol$, RefPointName-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointName$, address type- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddrType$, peer address-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddr$, port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerPort$, duration- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDdnThrotDuration$, factor-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDdnThrotFactor$ |
Cause | The SGW stops throttling the DDN when the throttling time is over. |
Effect | The SGW stops throttling the DDN based on a priority threshold value. All DDNs are sent to the peer node. |
Recovery | When another throttling instruction is received from a peer node, the SGW starts throttling the DDN. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2037 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwDhcpSvrState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.35 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | DHCP' Server State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyDhcpSvrState$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, DHCP' Group Name- $tmnxMobProfDHCPSvrGrpName$, DHCP' Server Index - $tmnxMobProfDHCPSGPeerIndex$, DHCP' Server address- $tmnxMobProfDHCPSGPeerAddress$, reason - $tmnxMobGwNtfyDhcpSvrStRsnCode$ |
Cause | When there is a change in the DHCP Server State. |
Effect |
When the DHCP server state is add, the server has been added to the system. When the state is delete, the server has been deleted from the system. When the state is down, the discover/request messages are not sent to the server. When the state is up and the DHCP server is selected, the discover/request messages are sent to this server. |
Recovery | If the DHCP server is down, the discover/request messages are sent to alternate configured servers. This server will be brought back up after the dead time 'tmnxMobProfDHCPSGDeadTime' expires. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2002 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwDiameterPeerState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.2 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Diameter Application: Peer State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiameterPeerState$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaRefPointType$, peer name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerName$, peer index- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerIndex$, peer address-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerAddr$, port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerPort$, reason - $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiameterReasonCode$ |
Cause | A change occurs in the reference point peer state for the Diameter application. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2055 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwDiaMsgQueHighThrsAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.53 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Diameter: message queue high threshold alarm: Utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaMsgQueueUtilizat$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaRefPointType$, Peer name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerName$, Peer index- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerIndex$, Peer address-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerAddr$, Port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerPort$, Peer connections queue utilization- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerConnQueUtil$, DiamRateLimitProf-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaRateLimitProfile$ |
Cause | The Diameter message queue utilization reaches the percentage defined by the tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimQueThrsHigh. |
Effect | If the utilization of the Diameter message queue reaches 100%, the PGW drops the messages. The message are queued for the maximum number of seconds defined by the TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimDelayToler. |
Recovery | If the utilization of the Diameter message queue reaches 100%, the operator should consider changing the values for TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimMessageRate, TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimBurstSize or the TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimDelayToler of the Diameter rate limit profile. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2053 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwDiaMsgQueLowThrsAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.51 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Diameter: message queue low threshold alarm: Utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaMsgQueueUtilizat$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaRefPointType$, Peer name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerName$, Peer index- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerIndex$, Peer address-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerAddr$, Port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerPort$, Peer connections queue utilization- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerConnQueUtil$, DiamRateLimitProf-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaRateLimitProfile$ |
Cause | The Diameter message queue utilization reaches the percentage defined by the tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimQueThrsLow. |
Effect | If the utilization of the Diameter message queue reaches 100%, the PGW drops the messages. The messages are queued for the maximum number of seconds defined by the TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimDelayToler. |
Recovery | If the utilization of the Diameter message queue reaches 100%, the operator should consider changing the values for TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimMessageRate, TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimBurstSize or the TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimDelayToler of the Diameter rate limit profile. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2057 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwDiaMsgQueueFullAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.55 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Diameter: message queue full alarm: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaRefPointType$, Peer name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerName$, Peer index-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerIndex$, Peer address- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerAddr$, Port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerPort$, Peer connections queue utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerConnQueUtil$, DiamRateLimitProf- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaRateLimitProfile$ |
Cause | The diameter message queue utilization reaches 100%. |
Effect | The PGW drops the messages. The messages can be queued for the maximum number of seconds defined by the TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimDelayToler. |
Recovery | The operator should consider changing the values for TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimMessageRate, TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimBurstSize or the TIMETRA-MOBILE-PROFILE-MIB::tmnxMobProfDiaRateLimDelayToler of the Diameter rate limit profile. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2102 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwDnsSnpFqdnIpLimitAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.100 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw:$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$ Number of server addresses learned by DNS Snooping reached $tmnxMobGwDnsSnpFqdnThres$ % of maximum $tmnxMobGwDnsSnpFqdnIpMax$ |
Cause |
The number of stored DNS resolved IP addresses approaches a threshold limit of the maximum number of cacheable addresses. The threshold in percentage is indicated by tmnxMobGwDnsSnpFqdnThres and the maximum size of stored IP addresses is indicated by the tmnxMobGwDnsSnpFqdnIpMax value. |
Effect | The PGW may reach the maximum limit and may not be able to store new IP addresses. |
Recovery | The operator assistance is needed to clear the resolved filters for the specified FQDN list. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2043 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwFqdnGrpCamLimitAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.41 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | FQDN group CAM limit alarm: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, FQDN group name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyFqdnGroupName$ |
Cause | The CAM resource usage for the DNS resolution of the FQDN group reaches 75% of the CAM resource size and the CAM resource is very close to being exhausted. |
Effect | The PGW stops programming for further DNS resolution. |
Recovery | The operator's assistance is needed to clear the resolved filters for the specified FQDN group. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2044 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwFqdnGrpCamLimitAlmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.42 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | FQDN group CAM limit alarm clear: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, FQDN group name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyFqdnGroupName$ |
Cause | The CAM resource usage for the DNS resolution of the FQDN group drops below 75% of the CAM resource size. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2061 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwGrpScaleInReady |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.59 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Cloud Mobile Gateway Scale in: Scale in is ready for the System Group - $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId |
Cause | The maximum suspended duration represented by the tmnxMobGwGrpSuspendMaxDuration expires for this particular MG-ISM group and all sessions for this group are gracefully terminated. |
Effect | When all sessions are cleaned up, the NSP NFM-P starts removing VMs belonging to this group. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2027 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwGtpPriServerState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.23 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Acct Application: GTP' Server State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriServerState$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, GTP' Group Name- $tmnxMobGtpPriGrpName$, GTP' Server Index - $tmnxMobGtpPriServerIndex$, GTP' Server address- $tmnxMobGtpPriServerAddr$, GTP' Server Port-$tmnxMobGtpPriServerPort$, reason - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriSvrReasonCode$ |
Cause | A change in the GTP Prime Server State. |
Effect | When the GTP Prime Server State is add, the server has been added to the system. When the state is delete, the server has been deleted from the system. When the state is down, the Charging Data Record (CDR) packets are not sent to the peer. When the state is up, the CDR packets can be sent to the peer. |
Recovery | If a GTP Prime server state is down, then the Charging Data Request (CDR) packets are sent to an alternate GTP Prime server. If no servers are available, the CDR packets are written to the CDR files. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2029 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwGtpPriSrvGrpState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.25 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Acct Application: GTP' Server Group State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpState$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, GTP' Group - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpName$, reason - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpReasonCode$ |
Cause | A change in the GTP Prime Server Group State. |
Effect | When the GTP Prime Server Group State is add, the group has been added to the system. When the state is delete, the group has been deleted from the system. When the state is down, all GTP Prime Servers in the group are down, and the CDR packets are not sent to the group server. When the state is up, CDR packets are sent to the group server. |
Recovery | If a GTP Prime server group state is down, CDR packets are written to CDR files until at least one server becomes available. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2074 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwIpRangesDBLoadStateChng |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.72 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Wlan-Emergency profile: $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpFileEmergProf$ Previous DB Loading State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpFilePrevLoadState$ New DB Loading State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpFileNewLoadState$ Message: $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpFileLoadMessage$ |
Cause | The state of the database with IP-range to country-code mappings changed. |
Effect | Further operation may depend on or be restricted by the current state of the database. |
Recovery | If an unexpected state occurs, try to reload or delete the existing database. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2049 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwIpSecISCertUnreachable |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.47 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | ePDG: IKE SA Certificate URL $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpSecISCert$ not reachable, IPsec profile - $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpSecProfile$ |
Cause | The IKE SA cert URL is not reachable at the time of execution of configuration. |
Effect | When the certificate content is not fetched at the time of configuration, the certificate-based (pubkey) authentication of the IKE SA will not work. |
Recovery | Ensure that the ePDG can reach the certificate and reassign the certificate to the IPsec profile. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2050 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwIpSecISPrivKeyUnreach |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.48 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | ePDG: IKE SA Private Key URL $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpSecISPrivateKey$ not reachable, IPsec profile - $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpSecProfile$ |
Cause | The IKE SA private key URL is not reachable at the time of execution of configuration. |
Effect | When the private key content is not fetched at the time of configuration, the certificate-based (pubkey) authentication of the IKE SA will not work. |
Recovery | Ensure that the ePDG can reach the private key and reassign the private key to the IPsec profile. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2048 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwIpSecLarvSALimitReached |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.46 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | ePDG: $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpSecISLarvLimType$ half-open SA limit $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpSecISLarvalLimit$ reached: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, IPsec profile - $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpSecProfile$, Peer address - $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpSecISPeerAddr$ |
Cause | Either the global or peer half-open IKE SA limit is reached. |
Effect | The ePDG starts sending COOKIE challenge responses when either the global or peer half-open IKE SA limit is reached. |
Recovery | Investigate the peers that are suspected for the Denial-of-service (DoS) attack. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2066 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.64 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Ipsec lockout: The ratio between locked users ($tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserLocked$) and currently attached users ( $tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserAttched$) is over the threshold ($tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserThr$%) |
Cause | The ratio between tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserLocked and tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserAttched is over the tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserThr threshold. |
Effect | The tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutAlarm notification is generated. |
Recovery | Locked users can be recovered manually or recovered after the lockout duration expires. After the ratio drops below the threshold, the tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutAlarmClr notification is generated. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2067 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.65 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Ipsec lockout: The ratio between locked users ($tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserLocked$) and currently attached users ( $tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserAttched$) drops below the threshold ($tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserThr$%) |
Cause | The ratio between tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserLocked and tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutUserAttched drops below the threshold. |
Effect | The tmnxMobGwIpsecLockoutAlarmClr notification is generated. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2080 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwLciOverload |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.78 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Mobile Gateway in GTP-C LCI 100% |
Cause |
The resources for the mobile gateway group have reached their limit. |
Effect |
The mobile gateway group resources are at critical levels. The system will attempt to lower resource usage on this mobile gateway group. |
Recovery | None |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2081 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwLciOverloadClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.79 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Mobile Gateway GTP-C no longer at LCI 100% |
Cause | The resources for the mobile gateway group are back to the normal operating levels. |
Effect | The mobile gateway group is back to the normal operating levels. |
Recovery | None, the system is back to the normal operating levels. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2063 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwMcRedPurgeRebootStandby |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.61 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | MC_RED purge: Active card-$tmnxMobGwNtfyActiveCardSlotNum$ initialized reboot on standby card- $tmnxMobGwNtfyStandbyCardSlotNum$ |
Cause | In the case of a multi-chassis redundancy purge, if the RED state is not 'hot', the active card initializes a reboot on the standby card after the purge finishes on the active card. |
Effect | The standby card reboots. |
Recovery |
No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2046 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwMscpUeIdUsgAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.44 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | MSCP group UE ID load usage threshold limit alarm: Load-80%, Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, System Group- $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$ |
Cause | The UE ID load count for the MSCP group crosses the 80% threshold. |
Effect | Nokia support needs to be notified to find out the reason. After the usage hits 100%, the call is rejected. |
Recovery | Engage the Nokia support team to find out the root cause. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2047 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwMscpUeIdUsgAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.45 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | MSCP group UE ID load usage threshold limit alarm clear: Load-60%, Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, System Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$ |
Cause |
The UE ID load count for the MSCP group drops below 60%. |
Effect |
N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2126 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwNnrfBlocklistAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.126 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | NRF peer for service $tmnxMobGwNtfyNnrfServiceType$ on GW- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$ is block-listed |
Cause | All the NRF peers for service nnrf-nfm or nnrf-disc are block-listed after failure responses or response timeouts. |
Effect | The block list duration is not applied. All NRF peers are sending failure responses or the responses time out. The Gateway continuously retries service requests to all peers. |
Recovery | The alarm is cleared when the first NRF peer from the block list is successfully contacted (a success HTTP status is received). |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2127 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwNnrfBlocklistAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.127 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | NRF peer for service $tmnxMobGwNtfyNnrfServiceType$ on GW- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$ is no longer block-listed |
Cause |
All the NRF peers for service nnrf-nfm or nnrf-disc are no longer block-listed. |
Effect | The block list duration is applied. |
Recovery |
No further action required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2094 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwNrfHeartbeatAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.90 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | NRF heartbeat failed for peer $tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddr$ on GW $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$ with error: $tmnxMobGwNtfyNrfHbAlarmReason$ |
Cause | Loss of connectivity to the NRF, NRF failure. |
Effect |
The NRF does not consider MAG-c SMF or UPF to be registered and eligible for discovery anymore. The NRF may also consider the MAG-c SMF or UPF to be out of service and notify the subscribed peer NF instances. |
Recovery | Recovery is TBD according to failure handling of failed HB responses and failover to next NRF is concluded. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2095 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwNrfHeartbeatAlarmClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.91 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | NRF heartbeat succeeded for peer $tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddr$ on GW $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$ with error: $tmnxMobGwNtfyNrfHbAlarmReason$ |
Cause | Successful Heartbeat message request/response sequence with NRF. |
Effect | The NRF considers MAG-c SMF or UPF to be registered and eligible for discovery. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2082 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwOciOverload |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.80 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Mobile Gateway in GTP-C OCI overload |
Cause | The resources for the mobile gateway group have been almost exhausted due to high load. |
Effect | The mobile gateway group resources are at critical levels. The system will attempt to lower resource usage on this mobile gateway group. |
Recovery | None. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2083 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwOciOverloadClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.81 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Mobile Gateway no longer in GTP-C overload |
Cause | The resources for the mobile gateway group are back to the normal operating levels. |
Effect | The mobile gateway group is back to the normal operating levels. |
Recovery | None, the system is back to the normal operating levels. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2103 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwOciOvldThrtStart |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.101 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | The mobile gateway has started throttling incoming call flows due to local overload. |
Cause | The resources for the mobile gateway group have been almost exhausted due to high load. |
Effect | The mobile gateway group resources are at critical level. The system attempts to lower the resource usage on this mobile gateway group. |
Recovery | The mobile-gateway stops throttling incoming call flows when it is out of local overload. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2104 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwOciOvldThrtStop |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.102 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | The mobile gateway has stopped throttling incoming call flows due to local overload. |
Cause | Either incoming call flows are not received for the last 30 seconds, or the resources for the mobile gateway group are back to normal operating levels in the last 30 seconds. |
Effect | The mobile gateway is no longer throttling incoming call flows due local overload. |
Recovery | Not applicable. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2001 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPathMgmtPeerState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.1 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Path Management: Peer State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyPathMgmtPeerState$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointType$, protocol-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointProtocol$, RefPointName- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointName$,peer-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddr$, port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerPort$, Local address - $tmnxMobGwNtfyPathLocAddress$, Previous Restart Counter-$tmnxMobGwNtfyPrevRestartCounter$, Current Restart Counter- $tmnxMobGwNtfyCurrRestartCounter$, Peer Restart Reason-$tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerRestartReason$, Pkt Seq Number- $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerRestPktSeqNum$, Peer Type-$tmnxMobGwNtfySigPeerType$, Plane Type-$tmnxMobGwNtfySigPlaneType$. |
Cause | A change in the reference point peer state during path management. The supported trap event values are the following: Added - raised when a new peer is identified due to incoming messages Up - raised when a peer moves to UP state, for a SGW peer, this state change happens when a CS Req is received. for PGW peers, this state change happens when a CS Resp from the PGW peer is received (this is to make sure that Path UP trap is generated only for a real PGW peer in case of GTP-C redirection) Down - raised when a peer moves to the FAULT state while detecting a path management failure. Idle - raised when a peer moves to the IDLE state after session cleanup is done due to path management Failure/ Detach/Admin delete Restart - raised when a peer restart is detected, it is associated with Peer RESTART state Deleted - raised when a peer entry is deleted due to a peer aging out, a peer ages out when it is Idle for more than the Age Out Interval. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2045 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPcmdOperStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.43 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | PCMD: Oper State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyPcmdOperState$: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, PCMD profile- $tmnxMobGwNtfyPcmdProfile$ |
Cause | The PCMD operational state changes when the destination address reachability changes. |
Effect | When the PCMD state is down, the generated PCMD packets are not sent to the destination address. When the PCMD state is up, the PCMD packets are sent to the destination address. |
Recovery | If the PCMD state is down, then generated PCMD packets are dropped. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2062 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPeerOrigHostOsiChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.60 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Diameter Application: Peer State: $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiameterPeerState$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Ref point-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaRefPointType$, System Group - $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$, peer name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerName$, peer index-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerIndex$, peer address-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerAddr$, port- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDiaPeerPort$, destination realm name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyDestRealmName$, destination host name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyDestHostName$, old osi value-$tmnxMobGwNtfyOldOsiValue$, new osi value-$tmnxMobGwNtfyNewOsiValue$ |
Cause | A change in Origin State ID (OSI) value of the peer's origin-hosts. |
Effect | If the Origin State ID change is detected, then all the sessions in that host are deleted. |
Recovery | No recovery action is required for this notification." notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2122 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPfcpRestoreInProg |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.122 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$ VRtr-$tmnxMobGwNtfyVrtrId$ RefPointType- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointType$ RefPointName-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRefPointName$ PFCP restoration in progress for RemotePeerAddress- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRfPtPeerAddr$ LocalPeerAddress-$tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerLocAddress$ RestoreTimer-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRestoreTimer$ NodeId- $tmnxMobGwNtfyPeerNodeId$ |
Cause | A PFCP keepalive failure between UP and CP has been detected. |
Effect | The restoration timer has started. |
Recovery |
Restore the path between UP and CP to allow keepalives to succeed again. If keepalives recover before the restoration timer times out, the CP and UP will perform an audit and recover from the failure automatically. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2128 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPfcpViaUpFuncFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.128 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, $tmnxMobGwNtfyGrpName$, detected a PFCP-u tunnel connectivity lost or failed to get established between the CP function and UP function |
Cause | PFCP-u tunnel used for via-up-function (radius-group or dhcp-server-group) traffic between CP and UP function is failing to get established/re-established. |
Effect | Any traffic routed over the PFCP-u tunnel will fail and may cause attach failure. |
Recovery | Verify that the PFCP-u tunnel for via-up-function is correctly configured and that connectivity between the CP and UP function over the sx-n4 interface is up. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2129 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPfcpViaUpFuncFailureClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.129 |
Default severity |
cleared |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, $tmnxMobGwNtfyGrpName$ detected a PFCP-u tunnel connectivity re-established between the CP function and UP function. |
Cause | PFCP-u tunnel used for via-up-function (radius-group or dhcp-server-group) traffic between CP and UP function is failing re-established. |
Effect | Any traffic routed over the PFCP-u tunnel will no longer fail. |
Recovery | No further action required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2041 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPoolCapacityAlarmMajor |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.39 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Pool capacity alarm major: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, pool name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpPoolName$, ipv4 pool size-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4PoolSize$, ipv4 pool utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4PoolUtilization$, ipv6 pool size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6PoolSize$, ipv6 pool utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6PoolUtilization$ |
Cause | The IPv4 or IPv6 address pool usage reaches the configured threshold because the IPv4 or IPv6 address pool is close to being exhausted. |
Effect | If the utilization of the IPv4 or IPv6 address pool reaches 100%, the PGW rejects requests for new PDN connections. |
Recovery | If the utilization of the IPv4 or IPv6 address pool reaches 100%, the operator's assistance is needed to increase the address pool size. More IP addresses might be added by creating a new entry in vRtrIpPoolAddrTable for the corresponding router and IP pool name with a non-overlapping IP prefix. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2039 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPoolCapacityAlarmMinor |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.37 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Pool capacity alarm minor: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, pool name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpPoolName$, ipv4 pool size-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4PoolSize$, ipv4 pool utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4PoolUtilization$, ipv6 pool size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6PoolSize$, ipv6 pool utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6PoolUtilization$ |
Cause | The IPv4 or IPv6 address pool usage reaches the configured threshold because the IPv4 or IPv6 address pool is close to being exhausted. |
Effect | If the utilization of IPv4 or IPv6 address pool reaches 100%, the PGW rejects requests for new PDN connections. |
Recovery | If the utilization of the IPv4 or IPv6 address pool reaches 100%, the operator's assistance is needed to increase the address pool size. More IP addresses might be added by creating a new entry in vRtrIpPoolAddrTable for the corresponding router and IP pool name with a non-overlapping IP prefix. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2042 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPoolCapacityAlmMjrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.40 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Pool capacity alarm major clear: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, pool name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpPoolName$, ipv4 pool size-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4PoolSize$, ipv4 pool utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4PoolUtilization$, ipv6 pool size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6PoolSize$, ipv6 pool utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6PoolUtilization$ |
Cause | The IPv4 or IPv6 address pool usage drops below the configured threshold - 5%. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2040 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwPoolCapacityAlmMnrClear |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.38 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Pool capacity alarm minor clear: Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, pool name- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpPoolName$, ipv4 pool size-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4PoolSize$, ipv4 pool utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv4PoolUtilization$, ipv6 pool size- $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6PoolSize$, ipv6 pool utilization-$tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6PoolUtilization$ |
Cause | The IPv4 or IPv6 address pool usage drops below the configured threshold - 5%. |
Effect | N/A |
Recovery | N/A |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2024 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwRadGrpFailAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.20 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Radius Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRadGrpName$, Group State- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRadGrpState$. |
Cause | All the RADIUS servers for the group are in a down operating state. |
Effect | When the group of RADIUS servers fails, RADIUS messages may not be sent to the group. |
Recovery | The RADIUS server group will recover from this failure mode when one of its servers returns to the up operating state. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2025 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwRadGrpFailAlarmClrd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.21 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Radius Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRadGrpName$, Group State- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRadGrpState$. |
Cause | The RADIUS server group is recovered from the previous failure mode and at least one of its servers has transitioned to the up operating state. |
Effect | The operation for the RADIUS group is back to normal. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2022 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwRadPeerFailAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.18 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Radius Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRadGrpName$, Address- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRadPeerAddr$, Authentication port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRadPeerAuthPort$, Accounting port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRadPeerAcctPort$, Peer State- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRadPeerState$. |
Cause | The operating state for RADIUS server is changed to the down state. |
Effect | RADIUS messages may not be sent to the RADIUS server. |
Recovery | RADIUS messages can continue to be sent to a RADIUS server after the RADIUS server's operating state changes back to up or the dead timer expires. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2023 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwRadPeerFailAlarmClrd |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.19 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Radius Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRadGrpName$, Address- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRadPeerAddr$, Authentication port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRadPeerAuthPort$, Accounting port-$tmnxMobGwNtfyRadPeerAcctPort$, Peer State- $tmnxMobGwNtfyRadPeerState$. |
Cause | The RADIUS server recovered from the previous failure mode and one of its servers has transitioned to the up operating state. |
Effect | The operation for the RADIUS server is back to normal. |
Recovery | No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2130 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwSbiPeerState |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.130 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, Group ID-$tmnxMobGwNtfySbiGroupId$, NF service name- $tmnxMobGwNtfySbiNfServiceName$, Service Instance- $tmnxMobGwNtfySbiNfServiceIns$, peer UUID- $tmnxMobGwNtfySbiPeerUuid$, peer ip address- $tmnxMobGwNtfySbiPeerIpAddress$, peer port- $tmnxMobGwNtfySbiPeerPort$, connection state- $tmnxMobGwNtfySbiConnectionState$, NF service state- $tmnxMobGwNtfySbiNfServiceState$. |
Cause | A change in the NF peer connection status or peer is deleted from peer list. |
Effect | N/A. |
Recovery | N/A. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2111 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwSwmConLostAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.109 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, System group - $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$ connectivity to all SWm peers lost |
Cause | All SWm peers are in down state. |
Effect |
The mobile gateway group is not available for load balancing. |
Recovery |
N/A. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | MOBILE_GATEWAY |
Event ID |
2112 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwSwmConLostAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.110 |
Default severity | major |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | Gw - $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, System group - $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$ SWm peer connectivity restored |
Cause |
One of the SWm peers is in the up state. |
Effect | The mobile gateway group is now available for load balancing. |
Recovery | N/A. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2016 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwSysGrpCardRedStChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.12 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Card oper state-$tmnxMobGwSysGroupCardRedState$. |
Cause | A card failure changes the card redundancy state to NOTVALID. When an active card goes down, the standby card becomes active which triggers a state change to active. When a STANDBYINPROG card becomes in sync with the active card, the state changes to standby. |
Effect | When the card goes down, it will not be able to provide any mobile gateway services supported by the system. |
Recovery | If the card goes down, the operator's assistance is needed to get the card back online. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2015 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwSysGrpRedStateChange |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.11 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Group Oper state-$tmnxMobGwSysGroupRedState$. |
Cause | A working card failure, change in the redundancy configuration, or a protect card addition triggers a change to the group redundancy state. |
Effect | When the value of tmnxMobGwSysGroupRedState changes from HOT to COLD, a switchover happened. No services are affected when the value of tmnxMobGwSysGroupRedState changes. |
Recovery | After a switchover happens, no backup card will be up and the operator must get a backup card online to avoid any disruption to services, in case of further failures. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2031 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwSysGrpWriteCdrToCfAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.27 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Acct Application: Action for CDRs: $tmnxMobGwNtfyWriteCdrAction$: Gw- $tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, System Group - $tmnxMobGwNtfySysGroupId$, GTP Prime Server Group-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGtpPriGrpName$ |
Cause | A change in the action of writing CDR packets to the compact flash. |
Effect | The system has started writing CDR packets to the files on the compact flash, when the action START is displayed. The system has stopped writing CDR packets to the files on the compact flash, when the action STOP is displayed. |
Recovery | Retrieve the CDR files from the compact flash. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2131 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwTlmPthUnsupSampleIntvl |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.131 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | A MG telemetry subscription with a sample interval $tmnxMobGwTlmtryGrpcSubPathIntvl$ms is not supported, must be N*60seconds with N in 1 to 5 |
Cause | Telemetry subscription created to MG supported path with sample interval that is not a multiple of 60s. |
Effect | Statistics obtained through subscription will not be updated correctly according to the unsupported sample interval. |
Recovery | Cancel active subscription and subscribe providing a supported sample interval value (multiple of 60s). |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2059 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwVmgAutoHeal |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.57 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | VMG Auto Healing required: Card-$tmnxMobGwNtfyCardSlotNum$ |
Cause | The card-$tmnxMobGwNtfyCardSlotNum$ goes down and is not able to be restored. |
Effect | The auto-healing process starts by trying to bring up the card identified as $tmnxMobGwNtfyCardSlotNum$ |
Recovery | If the auto-healing is successful, no further action is required. If it is not successful, the operator must rectify the virtual infrastructure manually. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2052 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwVmgLcseGwTypeBreach |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.50 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Unable to process call for gateway type $tmnxMobGwNtfyVmgLcseGwTypBreach$ - gateway type not supported by VMG license |
Cause | A gateway type breach occurs. |
Effect |
The calls for that particular gateway type are dropped. |
Recovery |
Get a new license to enable the gateway features that have been breached. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2051 |
Event name | tmnxMobGwVmgLcseScaleBreach |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.49 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | $tmnxMobGwNtfyVmgLcseScaleBreach$ VMG license breach: Current level - $tmnxMobGwNtfyVmgLcseScaleLevel$ |
Cause | There is a sessions limit, bearers limit, or throughput breach. |
Effect | There is no effect for this notification. |
Recovery | There is no recovery action required for this notification. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2064 |
Event name | tmnxMobPdnApnMaxPdnActAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.62 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, APN Name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyApnName$. |
Cause | The maximum number of PDN activations per second for this APN on the gateway is reached. |
Effect | New PDN activations will not be accepted until the limit drops below the value of TIMETRA-MOBILE-PDN-MIB::tmnxMobPdnApnGtpPdnThrshMaxAct. |
Recovery | To accept new PDN activations, the system has to wait until the number of PDN activations drops below the value of TIMETRA-MOBILE-PDN-MIB::tmnxMobPdnApnGtpPdnThrshMaxAct. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2065 |
Event name | tmnxMobPdnApnMaxPdnActAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.63 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, APN Name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyApnName$. |
Cause | The value of the maximum number of PDN activations for this APN on the gateway drops below the value of TIMETRA-MOBILE-PDN-MIB::tmnxMobPdnApnGtpPdnThrshMaxAct. |
Effect | New PDN activations are accepted. |
Recovery |
No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2035 |
Event name | tmnxMobPdnApnMaxPdnConnAlarm |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.33 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, APN Name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyApnName$. |
Cause | The maximum number of PDN connections for this APN on the gateway is reached. |
Effect | New PDN connections are not accepted until the limit drops below the value of TIMETRA-MOBILE-PDN-MIB::tmnxMobPdnApnMaxPdnConnections. |
Recovery | To accept new PDN connections, the system has to wait until the maximum PDN connections number drops below the threshold. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2036 |
Event name | tmnxMobPdnApnMaxPdnConnAlarmClr |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.34 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, APN Name-$tmnxMobGwNtfyApnName$. |
Cause | The existing number of PDN connections for this APN on the gateway drops below the value of TIMETRA-MOBILE-PDN-MIB::tmnxMobPdnApnMaxPdnConnections. |
Effect | New PDN connections are accepted. |
Recovery |
No further action is required. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2068 |
Event name | tmnxMobPdnEmerCallFailures |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.66 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | ePDG: number of emergency call failures during last 60 seconds: $tmnxMobGwNtfyEmerCallFailures$ |
Cause | Triggered by ePDG for emergency call failures during the last 60 seconds. |
Effect | The UE(s) were not able to do an emergency attach during the last 60 seconds. |
Recovery | Based on the call flow statistics, identify the cause of the emergency attach failure and perform corrective action. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2113 |
Event name | tmnxMobPdnLaaPfxInsufficientMem |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.113 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, network realm $tmnxMobGwNtfyNwRealmName$, pool $tmnxMobGwNtfyPoolName$, prefix $tmnxMobGwNtfyAddr$/$tmnxMobGwNtfyPfxLength$ not operational due to insufficient memory |
Cause | Insufficient memory for an IP address prefix and all of its micronets. |
Effect | The IP address prefix is not activated, and its operational status goes down. |
Recovery | Add memory to the system, or reduce the number of the prefix micronets. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2136 |
Event name | tmnxMobPdnLaaPlNoFreeMnets |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.136 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, network realm $tmnxMobGwNtfyNwRealmName$, pool $tmnxMobGwNtfyPoolName$ IPv6 type $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6AssignmentType$: no more free $tmnxMobGwNtfyLaaUnfragmentedMn$ micronets $tmnxMobGwNtfyTruthValue$ |
Cause | The last available micronet of its kind in the pool is activated. |
Effect | Setup of new end user sessions will start to fail. |
Recovery | Add prefixes to the pool. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2110 |
Event name | tmnxMobPdnLaaPlNumFreeMnetsLow |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.108 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Gw-$tmnxMobGwNtfyGatewayId$, network realm $tmnxMobGwNtfyNwRealmName$, pool $tmnxMobGwNtfyPoolName$ IPv6 type $tmnxMobGwNtfyIpv6AssignmentType$: running low on $tmnxMobGwNtfyLaaUnfragmentedMn$ micronets $tmnxMobGwNtfyTruthValue$ |
Cause | A micronet is activated while the number of free micronets in the pool is already low. |
Effect | None. |
Recovery | No recovery is immediately required. However, it is recommended to add prefixes in order to avoid complete depletion of the pool. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2149 |
Event name | tmnxMobProfNodeSelTrgtSugstRebal |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.151 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Evaluate target-profile $tmnxMobGwNtfyProfileName$ and rebalance if necessary - new UP= $tmnxMobGwNtfyUpPeerAddress$, surviving number of UPs=$tmnxMobGwNtfyNumber$ |
Cause | The system has reconnected to a UPF after having been disconnected. |
Effect | While the UPF connection was down session distribution among the UPFs in a target profile may have become unbalanced. This event indicates session load rebalancing may be necessary. |
Recovery | Session load among the available UPFs in the target profile should be evaluated, and if necessary, rebalanced using a clear operation. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2150 |
Event name | tmnxMobProfNodeSelTrgtSugstRevrt |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.152 |
Default severity |
warning |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Evaluate target-profile $tmnxMobGwNtfyProfileName$ and revert if necessary |
Cause | The number of available UPFs in a target profile entry has reached the necessary minimum threshold. |
Effect | While the number of available UPF connections was below the minimum threshold new sessions will be directed to backup UPFs. This event indicates it may be appropriate to revert sessions to primary UPFs. |
Recovery | Session load among primary and secondary UPFs of the target profile should be evaluated and if necessary, reverted using a clear operation. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2072 |
Event name | tmnxOverlayFabricFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.70 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Detected $tmnxMobGwNtfyFailureDirection$ failure for slot $tmnxMobGwNtfySlot$ on all overlay fabrics |
Cause | A loss of connectivity to other cards in a particular direction over all available overlay fabrics. |
Effect | The card cannot function properly as part of the system. |
Recovery | Attempt to restore connectivity by rebooting the affected card. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2073 |
Event name | tmnxOverlayFabricPartialFailure |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.71 |
Default severity |
minor |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Detected $tmnxMobGwNtfyFailureDirection$ failure for slot $tmnxMobGwNtfySlot$ on overlay fabric $tmnxMobGwNtfyFabricId$ |
Cause |
Loss of connectivity between the affected card and the other cards in a particular direction over a particular overlay fabric. |
Effect | The system will use a different overlay fabric that is operational to communicate with the affected card, but the capacity will be reduced. |
Recovery | Manual intervention may be required to restore the connectivity. |
Property name | Value |
Application name |
Event ID | 2060 |
Event name | tmnxOverlayFabricStatus |
SNMP notification prefix and OID |
TIMETRA-MOBILE-GATEWAY-MIB.tmnxMobGatewayNotifications.58 |
Default severity |
major |
Source stream | main |
Message format string | Operational state of last overlay fabric port transitioned to $tmnxMobGwNtfyOverlayFabricState$ state for VM $tmnxMobGwNtfyVmId$ |
Cause | A change in the operational state of the overlay fabric switch, either when the last operational overlay fabric port transitions to the down state or when the first overlay fabric port transitions to an operationally up state. |
Effect | If the value of tmnxMobGwNtfyOverlayFabricState is down, the VM fails (crashes) and ceases to process any new packets. |
Recovery | If the value of tmnxMobGwNtfyOverlayFabricState is down, the VM fails to process new packets and reboots. The VM remains in the booting state until the value of tmnxMobGwNtfyOverlayFabricState changes to up. |
Property name | Value |
Application name | SYSTEM |
Event ID |
2059 |
Event name | sysMGMCSwitchOverStatusNotify |
SNMP notification prefix and OID | TIMETRA-SYSTEM-MIB.tmnxSysMGNotifications.1 |
Default severity | major |
Source stream |
main |
Message format string | Manual switch over: Peer - $sysMGMCSwitchOverPeerAddress$, GW - $sysMGMCSwitchOverMobGwId$, Status - $sysMGMCSwitchOverStatus$, Reboot - $sysMGMCSwitchOverReboot$, Failure reason - $sysMGMCSwitchOverFailureReason$, Exceptional Condition - $sysMGMCSwitchOverExpCondition$ |
Cause | Change in status of "sysMGMCSwitchOverStatus" of the switchover which is over-enforced on the mobile gateway "sysMGMCSwitchOverMobGwId" belonging to the peer "sysMGMCSwitchOverPeerAddress" participating in the georedundancy. |
Effect | If sysMGMCSwitchOverStatus is set to: start - the process of switching the mobile gateway, "sysMGMCSwitchOverMobGwId", from the active role to the standby role has started. inprogress - the mobile gateway "sysMGMCSwitchOverMobGwId" on which the switchover is enforced, is transitioning to the standby role from its current active role. fail - the switchover process failed. success - the switchover process succeeded and the mobile gateway "sysMGMCSwitchOverMobGwId" has transitioned from active to standby. The previous standby mobile gateway will have transitioned to active. now - the switchover process starts without a full reconcile between active and standby systems. New active gateway might have incomplete data. abort - the switchover process is aborted after the switchover stays in progress for at least 5 minutes. The active mobile gateway is still the same. If the active node is in an overload condition (ABS, GTP-C, or PFCP overload) and an admin switchover is triggered, the 'sysMGMCSwitchOverExpCondition' string is set to 'local node is in overload'. |
Recovery | If the switchover status "sysMGMCSwitchOverStatus", is set to "fail", try to diagnose the cause of failure and attempt the switchover process again. The "sysMGMCSwitchOverFailureReason" specifies the reason for this failure. 'sysMGMCSwitchOverExpCondition' specifies any exceptional conditions that occurred at the time of switchover. |