How do I uninstall an artifact bundle?


Use this procedure to make the artifacts in a bundle unavailable to their target applications. You may choose to do this to perform a rollback of the artifacts in the bundle to the previous version, or as a first step towards completely deleting a bundle and its contents. Uninstallation of an artifact bundle changes the bundle status from Installed to Imported; if previous versions of any of the artifacts in the bundle exist in the system, they will be reinstalled according to the version management policy of the target, and their status updated to Installed. See What is artifact version management? for more information about version management.

It is not necessary to uninstall artifact bundles before installing new versions. In most cases, when a new version of an existing artifact is installed (for example, a new version of an existing artifact is delivered in a different bundle), the older artifact version remains in Artifacts and its status is updated to Obsolete.

If an artifact appears in more than one bundle, uninstalling one of the bundles will not affect the other bundles. The artifact remains in the list and the Artifact Details panel shows the remaining bundles the artifact is in.


Open Artifacts, Artifact Bundles.

Click on a bundle and choose Uninstall bundle from the png1.png (Table row actions) menu.

As the process completes for each artifact in the artifact bundle, the status of the artifacts are changed on the Artifacts, All Artifacts view.

In the confirmation form, click UNINSTALL.

The statuses of the bundle and its artifacts are updated to Uninstalled when the process succeeds, then revert to Imported.

When the automatic reconcile operation occurs next, NSP checks and updates the status of all artifacts and artifact bundles and retries any failed uninstallations.

Optionally, proceed to delete a successfully uninstalled artifact bundle (that is, a bundle with a Status of Imported) by deleting the bundle zip file using the NSP File Server. See “How do I use the NSP File Server?” in the NSP System Administrator Guide for more information. Note that deleting the zip file removes the bundle and artifacts from NSP entirely, making them unavailable for rollback.

End of steps