Workflow for BGP route profiles configuration


Create a BGP route profile. See To create a BGP route profile for more information.

As required, configure the BGP route profile to receive JMS-CPAM topic notifications. See To configure a BGP route profile to receive JMS-CPAM topic notifications for more information.

As required, configure the BGP route profile to raise alarms when monitored prefixes become unreachable. See To configure a BGP route profile to raise an unreachable prefix alarm for more information.

As required, retrieve BGP prefixes from the BGP route profile. See To retrieve a filtered BGP prefix list from a BGP route profile for more information.

As required, retrieve BGP events from the BGP route profile. See To configure BGP event retrieval from a BGP route profile for more information.

As required, associate BGP route profiles with a VPRN service, or vice versa. See To associate a VPRN service with a BGP route profile or To associate a BGP route profile with a VPRN service for more information.

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