To monitor a dynamic LSP


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Path and Prefix Monitoring from the NFM-P main menu. The Path and Prefix Monitoring form opens.

Click on the Create button and choose LSP Monitor. The LSP Path Monitor (Create) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Note: Alternatively, you can create an LSP path monitor from the properties form of an NFM-P-managed dynamic LSP. See To create an LSP path monitor from a dynamic LSP for information.

Configure the parameters:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Monitor State

To select the required dynamic LSP, click select and choose the LSP from the list.

Configure the Path Types parameter.

Nokia recommends that you choose the Active option.

Click on the Auto OAM tab button. The General tab is displayed.

Click on the Select button in the STM Policy panel to associate a test policy to the IP path monitor. The Select STM Policy - LSP Path Monitor form opens.

Click on the Search button. A list of configured test policies appears.

Choose an entry and click on the OK button. The Select STM Policy - LSP Path Monitor form closes.


Click on the Select button in the Execution Policy panel to associate an execution policy to the LSP monitor. The Select Execution Policy - LSP Path Monitor form opens.


Click on the Search button. A list of configured execution policies appears.


Choose an entry and click on the OK button. The Select Execution Policy - LSP Path Monitor form closes.

Note: See To configure an OAM test execution policy Chapter 13, OAM diagnostics for information about how to create an execution policy.

See To manually run an OAM diagnostic on an IP, LSP, or P2MP path monitor Chapter 13, OAM diagnostics for information about how to run an OAM test.


Click on the Apply button to save the configuration. The CPAM monitors the path only if the Monitor State is set to Up.


Click on the Path History tab to view LSP path records. See To view LSP path records.

Note: You can click on the Capture Path button to perform an immediate path capture.


Click on the Service Tunnels tab button to view monitored GRE and LDP SDP tunnels in both directions.


Click on the Services tab button to view services that use the monitored LSP paths.


Click on the Composite Services tab button to view composite services that use the monitored LSP paths.


Click on the Events tab to view LSP path monitor statistics.

The frequency of collection events depends on the polling interval set in the MPLS LSP Egress Stats MIB entry policy. Each LSP path monitor statistics record shows the LSP Byte change and active LSP path for a given polling interval.

You can configure retention times for Event records. Click on the Edit Policy button and configure the Event Retention Time parameter on the Event Policy (Edit) form.

You can purge all event records for LSP path monitor statistics. Click on the Edit Policy button, then click Purge Event Records on the Event Policy form. All LSP path monitor statistics are cleared from the table until the next event record arrives.

For long retention times, ensure that the system has sufficient physical disk space. Use the following formula as a guide to estimating the additional disk space required (in MB) for the NFM-P Database /opt/nsp/nfmp/db/tablespace partition:

Number of LSPs monitored / Polling interval (minutes) x Retention time (hours) x 0.024375


Close the LSP Path Monitor (Create) form.


Close the Path and Prefix Monitoring form.

End of steps

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