How do I configure the IPDR file-transfer policy?


Perform this procedure to specify the target servers to which the NFM-P main or auxiliary servers forward IPDR-formatted AA accounting statistics.

Note: An main or auxiliary server does not retain any IPDR files that are successfully transferred to a target server; each successfully transferred file is deleted after the transfer.


Choose Tools→Statistics→IPDR File Transfer Policies from the NFM-P main menu. The IPDR File Transfer Policies form opens.

Select the default policy and click Properties. The IPDR File Transfer Policy form (Edit) opens.

Select the Enabled parameter.

Configure the File Transfer Protocol parameter.

Configure the parameters in the Transfer Target panel to specify the target IP address or hostname, port, file-transfer user credentials, and the directory on the target server in which to store the transferred statistics files.

Note: The directory that you specify must be the absolute path of an existing directory on the target server.

Note: The specified user requires read and write access to the specified directory.

Configure the parameters in the Alternate Transfer Target panel to specify a redundant transfer target, if required.

Note: The directory that you specify must be the absolute path of an existing directory on the target server.

Note: The specified user requires read and write access to the specified directory.

Click OK to save your changes and close the form.

End of steps