Part I. NSP administration basics
1. NSP administration overview
What does NSP administration involve?
How do I receive product and documentation alerts?
How do I view technical-support alerts?
2. NSP access and UI administration
What is NSP access administration?
How do I enable single-address DR NSP system access?
How do I configure NSP system settings?
How do I configure alarm-severity colors?
How do I configure linked URLs?
How do I configure event logging?
How do I configure an e-mail server for notifications?
How do I select and move map objects?
Workflow: create and configure a physical map layout
Workflow: create and configure an IGP map layout
How do I create a physical map layout?
How do I create an IGP map layout?
How do I create a region for a physical map layout?
How do I create a region for an IGP map layout?
How do I place a region on the map layout?
How do I create a zone in the map layout?
How do I associate NEs or routers with a region?
How do I enable GEO positioning for NEs and routers?
How do I move an object to a specific GEO location?
How do I search for objects in the map layout?
How do I cancel un-deployed changes to the map layout?
How do I reset warning messages?
What are best practices when using the Map Layout?
How are resource pools used with programmable functions?
How do I search for a resource pool?
How do I view summary information for a resource pool?
How do I configure an IP address pool?
Why use IPv4 subnet re-purposing?
How do I configure a string pool?
How do I configure an RD-RT pool?
How do I configure a Numeric pool?
How do I configure a threshold policy?
How do I use the NSP File Server?
Part II. NSP security administration
How do I enable SELinux on an NSP deployer host?
How do I enable SELinux in an NSP cluster?
How do I enable SELinux on an NSP Flow Collector?
How do I enable SELinux on an NSP Flow Collector Controller?
SELinux for Classic Management
What does enabling NFM-P SELinux involve?
How do I enable SELinux on the NFM-P?
How do I enable SELinux enforcing mode for the NFM-P?
What does NSP SELinux troubleshooting involve?
How do I switch between SELinux modes on NSP system components?
How do I troubleshoot SELinux on NSP system components?
How do I troubleshoot SELinux on the NFM-P?
How do I update the K3s certificate for an NSP deployer host VM?
How do I update the NSP container registry TLS certificate?
How do I replace the internal or external NSP TLS certificate?
What is local user management?
What are the NSP user management requirements and restrictions?
How do I create an NSP local user?
How do I import users and groups from NFM-P?
What are the user password policies?
How do I set global user password requirements?
How do I set global user session limits?
How do I modify a user account?
How do I suspend a local user account?
Workflow: Configure User Access Control
How do I configure alarm access using roles?
How do I set network resource access levels?
How do I configure a user group?
How do I enable User Access Control?
What are NSP operator roles and responsibilities?
How do I update the NSP TLS certificate for LDAPS remote authentication?
User session management and logging
What is user session management?
How do I terminate user sessions?
How do I send a message to active users?
How do I set the User Activity Log to auto-refresh?
How do I set limits for log event retention?
How do I export activity log events?
What are group directories and resource groups?
Workflow: create group directories and resource groups
How do I create a group directory?
How do I configure a resource group?
How do I associate a resource group with a group directory?
How do I search for a management object?
9. Classic management security
How do I change an NFM-P main database password in a standalone system?
How do I change an NFM-P main database password in a redundant system?
How do I update the supported NFM-P TLS versions and ciphers?
How do I manage NFM-P user accounts and groups?
What is user activity logging?
How do I configure sample span rule?
What is remote NFM-P user access?
Sample: how do I configure NFM-P user authentication?
Workflow: configure and manage NFM-P user security
How do I reserve an admin account login?
How do I create a scope of command role?
How do I create a scope of command profile?
How do I create a span of control?
How do I create a span of control profile?
How do I create an NFM-P user group?
How do I add or remove workspaces for a user group?
How do I create an NFM-P user account?
How do I copy an NFM-P user account?
How do I configure global user account and password expiry?
How do I configure the GUI client inactivity timeout?
How do I configure the minimum allowable user name length?
How do I configure authentication failure actions?
How do I configure suspended account actions?
How do I configure automated E-mail notification?
How do I list inactive user accounts?
How do I suspend or reinstate an NFM-P user account?
How do I change an NFM-P user password?
How do I disable an NFM-P user password?
How do I change the password of the current NFM-P user?
How do I export the local tab preferences of one or more users?
How do I assign local tab preferences to users?
How do I send a broadcast message to GUI clients?
How do I view and manage the active GUI client sessions?
How do I disconnect an XML API JMS client connection or remove a durable subscription?
How do I view the user activity log?
How do I view the user activity associated with an object?
How do I change the maximum number of concurrent NFM-P admin operator positions?
How do I configure the number of allowed client sessions for a client delegate server?
How do I enable secure access for remote LDAP users?
How do I enable remote user authorization via RADIUS?
How do I enable remote user authorization via TACACS+?
How do I configure NFM-P remote user authentication?
How do I change the NFM-P Task Manager settings?
How do I export all workspaces and local tab preferences?
How do I import workspaces and local tab preferences?
10. Classic management NE security
What are RADIUS, TACACS+, and LDAP?
How do I restore support for disabled NE SSH algorithms?
What are CPM filters and traffic management?
Workflow: manage NE user and device security
How do I configure a CPM filter?
How do I configure an NE DoS protection policy?
How do I view NE DoS protection violations?
How do I configure an NE DDoS protection policy?
How do I configure NE TLS client authentication?
How do I configure NE TLS server authentication?
How do I configure TLS server group list?
How do I configure TLS client group list?
How do I configure TLS server signature list?
How do I configure TLS client signature list?
How do I configure a site user profile?
How do I configure a user account on a managed device?
How do I configure an NE password policy?
How do I configure an LDAP site authentication policy?
How do I configure an NE RADIUS authentication policy?
How do I configure an NE TACACS+ authentication policy?
How do I configure an OmniSwitch RADIUS, TACACS+, or LDAP security authentication policy?
How do I configure device system security settings?
How do I configure and manage PKI site security on an NE?
How do I configure a PKI certificate authority profile?
How do I configure the automatic renewal of the PKI certificate?
How do I configure a PKI common name list?
How do I configure an Enrollment over Secure Transport profile?
How do I add an HSM to the NFM-P?
How do I create a file transmission profile?
How do I perform CMPv2 actions?
How do I delete a security policy?
How do I manually unlock a user account?
How do I clear the password history of a user on a managed device?
How do I clear collected statistics on a CPM filter?
How do I manage OCSP cache entries on an NE?
What is TCP enhanced authentication?
Workflow: configure TCP enhanced authentication for NEs
How do I configure a global TCP key chain?
How do I distribute global key chains to NEs?
How do I verify the distribution of a global key chain to NEs?
How do I identify differences between a global and local key chain policy or two local key chains?
Part III. NSP system administration
11. NSP system configuration and management
What is NSP system configuration and management?
How do I add an NSP feature package?
How do I update the NSP system configuration?
How do I change the nsp user password?
How do I change the NSP cluster registry password?
How do I remove the stale NSP allowlist entries?
How do I disable NSP websocket event notifications?
How do I install custom Mistral actions for NSP Workflows?
How do I remove Mistral actions from NSP?
How do I configure a generic mediator?
How do I configure an NSP Workflows trigger framework?
How do I manage NSP Analytics logging?
How do I configure e-mail notification of scheduled Analytics reports?
12. NSP cluster administration
NSP cluster control and operation
Workflow: stop and start DR NSP clusters
How do I start an NSP cluster?
How do I identify the master node in an NSP cluster?
How do I display the NSP cluster status?
How do I restart a Kubernetes pod?
How do I delete Errored or Evicted pods?
NSP cluster lifecycle management
What is Kubernetes cluster lifecycle management?
How do I move a Kubernetes pod to a different node?
How do I add an NSP cluster node?
How do I remove an NSP cluster node?
How do I change NSP system addressing?
How do I back up the NSP deployer host?
How do I restore the NSP deployer host?
How do I replace an NSP cluster node?
How do I restore the NSP Elasticsearch log data?
13. NSP cluster database administration
How do I check NSP database synchronization?
How do I back up and restore the NSP cluster data?
How do I configure scheduled NSP backups?
How do I back up the NSP cluster databases?
How do I restore the Kubernetes etcd data in an NSP cluster?
How do I restore the NSP cluster databases?
14. NSP logging and monitoring
What are the System Health functions?
What is user activity log forwarding?
What is the syslog record format for NSP application log forwarding?
15. NSP license administration
How do I apply an NSP license?
Part IV. NSP disaster recovery
16. Disaster recovery for NSP clusters
What are the NSP cluster DR functions?
Workflow: prepare for an NSP DR switchover
How do I identify the NSP cluster DR roles?
How do I perform an NSP DR switchover?
How do I display the NSP DR failover setting?
How do I disable NSP DR failovers?
How do I enable NSP DR failovers?
17. Disaster recovery for NSP components
What are the NSP component DR functions?
What is auxiliary database redundancy?
How do I perform an auxiliary database switchover?
What is classic management redundancy?
What are the NFM-P system redundancy models?
What are the NFM-P redundancy functions?
How do I respond to NFM-P redundancy failures?
Workflow: manage NFM-P redundancy
How do I view the NFM-P system redundancy status?
How do I view the NFM-P auxiliary server status?
How do I perform a server activity switch?
How do I configure main database switchover behavior?
How do I perform a main database switchover using the NFM-P client GUI?
How do I perform a main database switchover using a CLI script?
How do I enable or disable automatic database realignment?
How do I configure the IPDR file-transfer policy?
Part V. NSP component administration
How do I install adaptor artifacts that are not supported in the Artifacts view?
How do I enable mTLS on the NSP mediation interface?
How do I enable TLS for telemetry and gNMI on_change support?
How do I manage MDM model definitions?
How do I manage MDM device mappings?
How do I uninstall MDM adaptors?
How do I uninstall MDM adaptor suites?
How do I restart an MDM server?
19. NSP Flow Collector / Controller administration
NSP Flow Collector Controller configuration and management
What does NSP Flow Collector Controller administration involve?
How do I start or stop an NSP Flow Collector Controller?
How do I display the NSP Flow Collector Controller status or release level?
How do I open the NSP Flow Collector Controller web UI?
How do I force an NSP Flow Collector Controller to extract a network data snapshot?
NSP Flow Collector configuration and management
What does NSP Flow Collector administration involve?
How do I start or stop an NSP Flow Collector?
How do I display the NSP Flow Collector status or release level?
Workflow: configure flow statistics collection
How do I open the NSP Flow Collector web UI?
How do I specify the NEs and MDAs for flow statistics collection
How do I configure the AA flow data persistence?
How do I configure flow statistics aggregation?
How do I configure the transfer of result files?
How do I configure CSV file compression and renaming?
How do I configure an AA Cflowd special-study policy?
How do I configure an AA application or protocol filter?
20. NSP auxiliary database administration
What is an NSP auxiliary database?
How do I start an auxiliary database cluster?
How do I stop an auxiliary database cluster?
How do I check the auxiliary database status?
How do I change the samauxdb RHEL user password?
How do I schedule auxiliary database backups?
How do I check the auxiliary database backup status?
How do I perform an auxiliary database backup?
How do I manage auxiliary database backups?
How do I restore an auxiliary database?
How do I change an auxiliary database user password?
How do I change the auxiliary database external IP addresses?
How do I test auxiliary database disk performance?
How do I add an auxiliary database station?
How do I replace an auxiliary database station?
How do I remove an auxiliary database station?
How do I recreate an auxiliary database?
How do I customize auxiliary database tables?
How do I create and manage custom auxiliary database table attributes?
21. Classic management administration
NFM-P component administration
Workflow: redundant NFM-P shutdown and restart
How do I start a main database?
How do I stop a main database?
How do I start an auxiliary server?
How do I stop an auxiliary server?
NFM-P administration and management
What is global NFM-P system configuration?
How do I change default text-field and ID ranges?
What are the system preferences configuration procedures?
How do I set the NFM-P system preferences?
How do I create or configure a format policy?
How do I create or configure a range policy?
How do I modify the base configuration of all GUI clients?
How do I change the default user file locations on a client delegate server?
How do I enable main database backup file synchronization?
How do I modify the default time period of statistics displayed on object properties forms?
How do I enable the preservation of the XML API statistics pool size?
How do I configure auto-assigned service ID ranges and uniqueness checking?
What is the alarm purge algorithm?
What is automatic deletion of correlated alarms?
How do I filter alarms for XML API clients using the NFM-P GUI?
How do I configure alarm policies?
How do I configure alarm severity and deletion behavior?
How do I configure alarm history logging?
How do I show or hide the alarm Additional Text button?
How do I configure alarm debouncing ?
How do I configure alarm filters for XML API clients?
How do I reload all alarms from the historical alarm database?
How do I manually promote or demote the severity of an alarm?
How do I create an alarm e-mail policy?
How do I optimize alarm event notifications?
How do I view the NFM-P license information?
How do I export the NFM-P license information or create a license point inventory?
How do I update the NFM-P license in a standalone deployment?
How do I update the NFM-P license in a redundant deployment?
How do I list the backed-up NFM-P license files?
How do I change the default NFM-P license expiry notification date?
NFM-P network management configuration
How do I configure implicitly clearing alarm behavior for node reboots?
How do I configure backup-file retention for unmanaged NEs?
How do I enable alarm reporting to identify duplicate NE system IP addresses?
How do I enable dynamic system IP address updates for 7705 SAR nodes?
How do I enable LSP on-demand resynchronization?
How do I enable debug configuration file reloading on an NE for mirror services?
How do I configure throttle rates for subscriber trap events?
How do I configure the windowing trap delayer option for subscriber table resyncs?
How do I create a default SNMPv2 OmniSwitch user?
How do I display equipment or service OLC states?
How do I display the OLC state change schedules?
How do I change the OLC state of one or more objects?
How do I schedule an OLC state change?
How do I change the OLC state assigned to one or more alarms?
How do I add the OLC state property to a manually created service template?
NFM-P platform modification and replacement
What is platform modification?
How do I test NFM-P disk performance?
How do I relink the Oracle executable files?
How do I change the IP address or hostname of an NFM-P component?
What is NFM-P system maintenance?
How do I back up the main database?
How do I collect and store NFM-P log and configuration files?
How do I check the main database performance?
How do I back up the NFM-P log and configuration files?
How do I back up and restore NE configuration files?
How do I check the NE scheduled backup status?
How do I back up the NE configuration files?
How do I restore the NE configuration files?
Why collect device hardware inventory data?
How do I collect port inventory data for a specific managed device?
How do I manage main database audit logs?
How do I reduce the number of Oracle audit logs?
How do I check for performance monitoring statistics collection?
Why generate and store a user account list?
How do I generate and store user account data?
How do I test an NFM-P main database restore?
Why check the NFM-P platform performance?
How do I check Windows client station performance?
How do I check network connections between components?
How do I measure NFM-P performance?
How do I check network management connections?
How do I test main server and database redundancy switches?
22. Classic management database administration
What is the NFM-P main database?
How do I restore and reinstantiate the NFM-P main database?
Workflow: NFM-P database management
How do I view the main database properties?
How do I configure the Oracle database user lockout threshold?
How do I unlock the Oracle database user account?
How do I configure Oracle database error monitoring?
How do I configure a size constraint policy?
How do I configure an ageout constraint policy?
How do I create a database file policy to manage database log or core dump files?
How do I configure the statistics data retention period for the main database?
How do I back up the main database from the client GUI?
How do I back up the main database from a CLI?
How do I schedule main database backups?
How do I restore a standalone main database?
How do I restore the primary main database in a redundant system?
How do I delete the inactive residential subscriber instances?
How do I export an NFM-P main database?
How do I import an NFM-P main database?
How do I reinstantiate the main database from the client GUI?
How do I reinstantiate the main database from a CLI?
Appendix A. Classic management scope of command roles and permissions
What are the predefined NFM-P scope of command profiles and roles?
What are the permissions assignable to NFM-P scope of command roles?
What is the permissions access for NFM-P scope of command roles?