How do I start or stop an NSP Flow Collector Controller?


The following steps describe how to start or stop an NSP Flow Collector Controller that is on a dedicated station, or collocated with an NSP Flow Collector.



Data loss

Stopping an NSP Flow Collector Controller may affect the statistics collection of the associated NSP Flow Collectors.

Perform the procedure only under the guidance of technical support during a scheduled maintenance period.


Log in as the nsp user on the NSP Flow Collector Controller station.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

bash$ cd /opt/nsp/flow/fcc/bin ↵

To stop the NSP Flow Collector Controller, enter the following:

Note: If the NSP Flow Collector Controller is collocated with an NSP Flow Collector, stopping the NSP Flow Collector Controller also stops the Flow Collector.

bash$ ./flowCollectorController.bash stop ↵

The NSP Flow Collector Controller stops.

To start the NSP Flow Collector Controller, enter the following:

Note: If the NSP Flow Collector Controller is collocated with an NSP Flow Collector, starting the NSP Flow Collector Controller also starts the Flow Collector.

bash$ ./flowCollectorController.bash start ↵

The NSP Flow Collector Controller starts.

Close the console window.

End of steps