How do I view user events?


This procedure describes basic user event viewing options.


Open Users and Security.

Select User Activity Logs from the drop-down list on the toolbar.

The User Activity Logs list displays a list of user events over a specified time period (All Available, by default).

Use any of the following viewing options to control what you see in the log:

  • Change the log event time period: Click png40.png and specify a new time period.

  • Filter the Log under a specific column: Type a text string in the text field at the top of a column and press Enter.

    When typing a search string for the User Name column, you must type a complete, case-sensitive, user name. For other columns, you can type a partial search string.

  • Sort the Log under a specific column: Click on a column header to sort the list under that column, in alphabetical or numerical order. Click the column header a second time to reverse the sort order. Click the column header a third time to clear sorting under that column.

To view details about a specific log event, click on the event item in the log.

The Info panel displays expanded information about the event, including the name of the user who executed the event, affected objects, and affected parameters.

End of steps