How do I enable SELinux in an NSP cluster?


Perform this procedure to enable SELinux on the member nodes of an NSP cluster.

Note: You must enable permissive mode on all NSP cluster nodes before you can enable enforcing mode on the nodes.

Note: You require root user privileges on each NSP cluster node.

Note: A leading # character in a command line represents the root user prompt, and is not to be included in a typed command.


Perform Step 3 to Step 11 on each node in the NSP cluster.

Go to Step 12.

Log in as the root user on the NSP cluster node.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

cd /opt/nsp/nsp-deployer/tools/selinux/tools/bin ↵

Check for required OS packages

Enter the following:

./ -c ↵

Any missing OS packages required by SELinux are listed.

If the message indicates that one or more required SELinux packages are not installed, enter the following:

dnf -y install package_1 package_2 ... package_n

where package_1 package_2 ... package_n are the names of the listed packages

The packages are installed.

Enable permissive mode

./ -p ↵

The SELinux mode is set to permissive.

Apply SELinux labels

Enter the following:

/opt/nsp/nsp-deployer/tools/selinux/installer/bin/nsp-selinux-config.bash ↵

The script loads the required AVC policy, k8s_nsp_domain.pp, and labels the files and directories named in the policy.


Enter the following to back up the system audit logs:

cp /var/log/audit/audit.log* backup_location

where backup_location is a secure location on a separate station


Enter the following to delete the system audit logs and thereby clear the SELinux AVC history:

rm -f /var/log/audit/audit.log* ↵

Restart NSP cluster

Perform How do I stop an NSP cluster? to gracefully shut down the NSP cluster and preserve the cluster data.


Enter the following:

systemctl reboot ↵

The node reboots.

After the reboot, the SELinux labels take effect as SELinux runs in targeted permissive mode in the nsp_domain_t domain.


After the reboot, enter the following to verify that the required processes are running in the nsp_domain_t domain:

ps -aefZ | egrep 'kube-apiserver | kube-scheduler | kube-controller-manager | /usr/local/bin/etcd | /usr/local/bin/kube-proxy | /usr/local/bin/kubelet|/kube-state-metrics | /usr/bin/kube-controllers' | egrep -v 'grep' ↵

Process entries like the following are listed:

system_u:system_r:nsp_domain_t:s0 process_description


If any listed entry does not include nsp_domain_t, contact technical support for assistance.


Enter the following to verify that the policy file is loaded.

semodule -l | grep k8s_nsp_domain ↵

The policy file is listed, as shown below:



Start the NSP cluster; perform How do I start an NSP cluster?.


Close the open console windows.

End of steps