How do I reinstantiate the main database from a CLI?


Perform this procedure to use a CLI to restore the main database redundancy in a redundant NFM-P system by reinstantiating the primary main database on the standby database station. Database reinstantiation is required after a main database failure.

If automatic database reinstantiation is enabled, a failed manual reinstantiation attempt does not affect the reinstantiation timer. If a manual reinstantiation is successful, the NFM-P does not attempt a subsequent reinstantiation.

Before you attempt to perform this procedure, the following conditions must be true:

  • The primary database proxy and the standby database proxy are in contact with the primary main server.

  • The database listener is operating.

Note: You require nsp user privileges on the primary main server station.


Log in to the primary main server station as the nsp user.

Open a console window.

Navigate to the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin directory.

Enter the following:

bash$ ./reinstantiatedb.bash -u username -p password


username is the name of an NFM-P user account that has an assigned Administrator scope of command role

password is the password for the user account

The following prompt is displayed:

This action will rebuild the standby database.

Do you want to proceed? (YES/no) :

Enter the following:


The NFM-P begins to reinstantiate the main database on the standby main database station. Progress is indicated by a rolling display of dots in the console window. The reinstantiation is complete when the CLI prompt reappears.

When the reinstantiation is complete, close the console window.

Open an NFM-P GUI client.

View the NFM-P GUI status bar to verify that the NFM-P main servers and main database are communicating and operational.

End of steps