How do I start or stop an NSP Flow Collector?


The following steps describe how to start or stop an NSP Flow Collector that is on a dedicated station, or collocated with an NSP Flow Collector Controller.



System degradation

On a station that hosts a collocated NSP Flow Collector and NSP Flow Collector Controller, starting or stopping the Flow Collector also starts or stops the Flow Collector Controller, and affects all Flow Collectors associated with the Controller.

Before you stop an NSP Flow Collector that is collocated with a Flow Collector Controller, ensure that you understand the implications of the action.


Log in as the nsp user on the NSP Flow Collector station.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

bash$ cd /opt/nsp/flow ↵

To stop the NSP Flow Collector, perform one of the following:

  1. If the NSP Flow Collector is collocated with an NSP Flow Collector Controller, enter the following:

    bash$ ./fcc/bin/flowCollectorController.bash stop ↵

    The NSP Flow Collector and NSP Flow Collector Controller stop.

  2. If the NSP Flow Collector is on a dedicated station, enter the following:

    bash$ ./fc/bin/flowCollector.bash stop ↵

    The NSP Flow Collector stops.

To start the NSP Flow Collector, perform one of the following:

  1. If the NSP Flow Collector is collocated with an NSP Flow Collector Controller, enter the following:

    bash$ ./fcc/bin/flowCollectorController.bash start ↵

    The NSP Flow Collector and NSP Flow Collector Controller start.

  2. If the NSP Flow Collector is on a dedicated station, enter the following:

    bash$ ./fc/bin/flowCollector.bash start ↵

    The NSP Flow Collector starts.

Close the console window.

End of steps