How do I create a span rule?


A span rule is a policy that specifies to which span of control profiles, in addition to the Default Service Span, a newly created service is automatically assigned. You must have an account with an assigned Security scope of command role to perform this procedure.

See How do I configure sample span rule? for a sample span rule configuration and implementation.


Using an account with an assigned Security scope of command role, choose Administration→Span Rules from the NFM-P main menu. The Span Rules form opens.

Click Create. The Service Creation Span Rule (Create) form opens.

Configure the required parameters.

Associate one or more spans with the rule:

  1. Click on the Spans tab and click Add. The Select Span(s) form opens.

  2. Select one or more spans in the list and click OK.

Associate one or more format or range policies with the rule:

  1. Click on the Format and Range Policies tab and click Add. The Select Format or Range Policies form opens.

  2. Select one or more policies in the list and click OK.

Save your changes and close the form.

End of steps