How do I check the NE scheduled backup status?


Choose Administration→NE Maintenance→Backup/Restore from the NFM-P main menu. The Backup/Restore form opens.

Click on the Backup/Restore Status tab. The managed NEs are listed and backup and restore status information is displayed.

Select an NE and click Properties. The NE Backup/Restore Status form opens.

View the information in the Backup Status panel. A Backup State other than Successful may indicate a communication problem or a backup policy configuration error.

Ensure that the NE configuration file and the associated index file are saved on the NE and available for backup. Click on the Configuration Saves tab, and ensure that the Config Save State indicator reads Success.

See the appropriate device documentation for more information.

Click on the Backups tab to view a list of backup operations that are currently in progress. A backup operation disappears from the list after it completes.

Click on the Faults tab to view additional troubleshooting information.

Close the NE Backup/Restore Status form.

Use the information obtained from the NE Backup/Restore Status form to check the backup policy configuration, if required. Click on the Backup/Restore Policy tab.


Select the backup policy for the NE and click Properties. The Backup Policy (Edit) form opens.


Ensure that the policy is assigned to the NE.

  1. Click on the Backup/Restore Policy Assignment tab. The Backup Policy - Filter form opens.

  2. Configure the policy filter criteria and click OK. The Backup Policy - Filter form closes.

  3. Move the NE to the Assigned Sites list if it is not there by selecting the site from the Unassigned Sites list and clicking on the right-arrow.

  4. Save your changes and close the form.


Click on the General tab on the Backup Policy (Edit) form.


Select the Enable Backup check box.


Modify the other parameters, if required.


Save your changes and close the form.

End of steps