How do I view the user activity log?


You can view user activity log entries associated with the following:

  • a user

  • a client session

Note: Viewing user activity records other than LI activity records requires a user account with an assigned Administrator or NFM-P Management and Operations scope of command role.

Note: Viewing LI user activity records requires a user account with an assigned Lawful Interception Management scope of command role. The scope is restricted to the records of users in the same LI user group.


Choose Administration→Security→User Activity from the NFM-P main menu. The NFM-P User Activity form opens.

Perform one of the following:

  1. View the activities performed during a specific client session:

    1. Configure the filter criteria, if required, and click Search. A list of session entries is displayed.

      Note: Only client session entries with a State value of Connected contain activity entries.

    2. Select the required session entry and click Properties. The Session form opens.

    3. Click on the Activity tab.

    4. Configure the filter criteria, if required, and click Search. A list of activity entries is displayed.

  2. View the activities of a specific user.

    1. Click on the Activity tab.

    2. Specify the required username as the Username filter criterion and click Search. A list of user-specific entries is displayed.

Select an entry in the list and click Properties. The Activity form opens.

Review the general information, which matches the columnar information on the User Activity list form.

Depending on the activity Type and Sub Type, the Additional Info panel contains detailed activity information. If required, expand the panel to review the information. The following information is listed:

  • Type Operation, all Sub Types:

    • left pane—object hierarchy in tree form; each object is selectable

    • right pane—properties and values of selected object in left pane

      The Actions property, which is highlighted in yellow for an object creation or modification activity, has values that represent the actions associated with the activity, such as create and modify.

  • Type Deployment or Save, Sub Type Modification:

    • Property Name column—list of modified parameters

    • New Value column—the parameter value set during the activity

    • Old Value column—the previous parameter value

If required, expand the XML panel to display more information about the activity. The panel displays the following information:

  • Full Class Name—the NFM-P class descriptor of the affected object type

  • Additional Info—the activity details in the form of an XML request

Note: The displayed Additional Info text is limited to 4000 characters. If an activity generates more than 4000 characters of XML text, for example, access interface creation, the Additional Info panel of the log entry contains a “truncated” object, and the XML text contains a closing <truncated/> tag.

To navigate directly to the object of the activity, click View Object. The object properties form opens.

Note: The View Object button is dimmed when there is no object associated with the activity, for example, a user login or logout operation.

View the activity information and close the form.

End of steps