How do I configure CSV file compression and renaming?


Perform this procedure to enable the following for CSV-formatted statistics output files:

  • timestamp inclusion in file name

  • gzip compression


Log in to the NSP Flow Collector station as the nsp user.

Open the following file using a plain-text editor such as vi:


Locate the csv file section.

To enable gzip file compression of the output files:

  1. Locate the section that begins with the following:

    # compression option for CSV files

  2. Set the following parameter to true, as shown below:

To enable the addition of a timestamp as a filename prefix:

Note: The prefix format is the following:


where YYYYMMDDhhmmss is the collection interval start time

  1. Locate the section that begins with the following:

    # add time prefix on transfer option for CSV files

  2. Set the following parameter to true, as shown below:

Save and close the file.

End of steps