How do I collect port inventory data for a specific managed device?


For most inventory lists you can:

  • generate an inventory of the listed data

  • reorganize the information from most important to least important

  • remove columns of data

  • sort rows in ascending or descending order


Choose Manage→Equipment→Equipment from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Equipment form opens.

Choose a Network Element (Network) and click Search. The list form displays the results of the inventory search.

Choose an NE from the list and click Properties. The Network Element (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Inventory tab and choose Port (Physical Equipment). The list form displays the results of the inventory search for the selected device.

Generate a list based on the inventory collection or comparison that you plan to make. For example, to compare weekly lists of access ports, generate a filter to list only access ports.

Record the amount of time required to generate the inventory list for future base measure comparisons.

To show or hide columns of access port information:

  1. Right-click on a column heading and choose Column Display.

  2. Select Administrative State in the Displayed on Table column and click the left arrow to move the Administrative State to the Available for Table column.

  3. Click Apply. The Administrative State column of data is removed from the access port list.

To save the list of access ports:

  1. Right-click on a column heading and choose Save To File. The Save form opens.

  2. Enter a filename; for example, access_device123_dateoflistgeneration.

  3. Click Files of Type to specify the file type.

  4. Browse to choose a location in which to save the file.

  5. Click Save. The file is saved to the specified location with the appropriate file extension.

To save the table preferences for future use:

  1. Right-click on a column heading and choose Save Table Preferences.

  2. Click OK to confirm.

    The table preferences for the list form and user are saved. For example, when you choose another device, and click on the Ports tab and the Physical Ports tab, the Administrative State heading is not displayed. However, when you click on the SONET Channels tab, the Administrative State heading appears.


Move the file to another station, as required, for inventory analysis or post-processing.

End of steps