What is the Transport Slice Controller dashboard?

Functionality provided by the TSC dashboard

The Transport Slice Controller dashboard provides the following functionality for managing transport slices in the network:

See the following workflows for more information about what you can do with the TSC:

The TSC dashboard provides two main views of transport slices:

Figure 3-1, Overall health of all slices shows the TSC dashboard for overall health of all transport slices, at-a-glance mapping information, and correlation between transport slices and network slices.

Figure 3-1: Overall health of all slices
Overall health of all slices

Figure 3-2, Detailed view of a specific slice shows the detailed view, available on a per-slice basis, displaying a drilled-down view of the selected slice. This view displays identifying information with SLA information and the core/RAN slices associated with the transport slice. Cross-launch actions to other NSP functions are available in this view.

The TSC detailed dashboard view displays the following information for a single transport slice:

Figure 3-2: Detailed view of a specific slice
Detailed view of a specific slice

Figure 3-3, Transport slices in Analytics Reports shows the transport slice reporting supported by TSC in Data Collection and Analysis, Analytics Reports. The reports dashboard provides two new reports for bandwidth and latency in context of a specific transport slices. Reports displayed here can also be saved.

Figure 3-3: Transport slices in Analytics Reports
Transport slices in Analytics Reports