Service configuration workflow


The service configuration workflow describes how to create each of the service components.


Configure policies, as required. It is recommended that policies be created and configured before you create the service. Policies that are applied to be part of services include QoS policies such as Access Ingress, Access Egress, Scheduler, Filter, Accounting, and ANCP. See Chapter 18, Policy configuration management for more information.

Configure ports or channels as access ports with encapsulation types and an encapsulation identifier (if required, depending on encapsulation type). See Chapter 17, Network configuration management for more information.

Configure service tunnels, as required. See Chapter 17, Network configuration management for more information.

Create and configure the customer. See Customer configuration in this section for more information.

Create a service and associate the customer with the service:

  • Add site(s) to the service.

  • Add access interface(s) to the site of the service.

  • (Optional) Add SDP binding(s) if the service spans more than one site and the SDP binding is added to the site of the service.

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