Workflow to configure equipment


The following workflow outlines the high-level steps necessary to configure equipment. Each of the steps provides guidance on the type of XML request required to perform a particular configuration action. See the XML API SDK Sample Code Navigator for sample XML scripts.


Configure each card slot by sending XML create requests to set the card type on the card on the router.

Configure each daughter card slot by sending XML create requests to set the daughter card type on the daughter card slot on the router.

Configure all ports by sending XML modify requests to turn up the port, with options to set encap type and mode.

As required, configure the channels. Prior to configuring SONET channels, card and ports have to exist. Send XML create and modify requests to create channel and set the parameters on the channels.

As required, configure LAG and MC-LAG by sending XML create and modify requests to create LAG interfaces and modify the parameters.

Note: Nokia recommends using the generic package for configuring all objects in the above mentioned packages. See Configuration methods for more information about generic methods. See Network object model for more information about the NFM-P equipment object hierarchies.

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