Recommended durable JMS client operation


Establish a JMS connection and subscription with the NFM-P; listen to JMS events, and buffer events locally. Nokia recommends that the OSS maintain two local buffer queues:

  • One queue for critical system-related events that the OSS can use to monitor the state of the JMS connection. Examples of critical system-related events includes the KeepAliveEvent, SystemInfoEvent, JmsMissedEvent, and TerminateClientSessionEvent.

  • One queue for inventory or alarm events in which the OSS is interested.

Note: The OSS must not begin processing the events from the second buffer until Step 3 is successfully completed.

Initiate retrieval of inventory, the latest alarm list, or statistics and OAM test results using HTTP(S), or initiate retrieval of statistics and OAM log files via (S)FTP if any of the following occurs:

  • The IP address of the Primary NFM-P Server in the SystemInfoEvent is different from that of the last known Primary NFM-P Server.

  • The jmsStartTime or sysStartTime in the SystemInfoEvent are different from the last-recorded jmsStartTime and sysStartTime.

  • A JmsMissedEvent notification is received.

Note: While inventory is being retrieved, the OSS must continue to monitor the first buffer queue, as described in Step 1 . If the OSS detects connectivity loss with the NFM-P, or a loss of JMS events, the OSS should terminate the current inventory retrieval process, if possible. The internal buffer queues should be cleared. Perform exit procedures to gracefully unsubscribe and disconnect from the XML API. Then repeat the start-up procedures from Step 1 .

After the inventory retrieval completes successfully, start listening to the events from the second buffer queue described in Step 1 . Continue to monitor the first buffer queue.

If the OSS has to restart, the OSS should perform exit procedures to gracefully unsubscribe and disconnect from the XML API, then repeat the start-up procedures from Step 1 .

The OSS may need to restart if the OSS detects one of the following:

  • Messages have been lost (JmsMissedEvents).

  • The connection to the NFM-P fails (JMSonException).

  • There is silence on the JMS channel for an unreasonable time period, which may indicate a loss of communication with the NFM-P.

See Monitoring a JMS connection in JMS communication for more information about JMS connection monitoring.

End of steps

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