Emulated Service Details report

Emulated Service Details report overview

The Emulated Service Details report shows the jitter buffer depth, asymmetry, underruns, overruns, and errored seconds details for the service endpoints.

The Emulated Service Details report is a multi-element report with the following:

The Increasing Intervals value does not have to be contiguously increasing intervals, the increases can be scattered across the reporting period.

This report can be run on its own or launched from the Top-N Worst Emulated Services report.

Use cases

Synchronization management—Monitoring of services and their health in terms of network synchronization, with identification of services needing further investigation or maintenance based on three jitter buffer asymmetry KPIs.


When the report is exported to the DOCX or RTF file type, the report is not properly aligned.


Table 14-49: Emulated Service Details report prerequisites

Aggregator name

Monitored object class

Statistics class

Statistics collection

MIB name

NE types

CEM SAP Aggregator



Performance statistics


7210 SAS-M

7250 IXR R6

7450 ESS

7705 SAR

7705 SAR-H

7750 SR

Note: 7705 SAR-Hm and 7705 SAR-Hmc are not supported

CEM SAP ADC Aggregator



Performance statistics


7705 SAR

7705 SAR-H

Report characteristics

The following table lists the principal report characteristics.

Table 14-50: Emulated Service Details report characteristics



Data type


Source database

Auxiliary database

Report inputs



End date

Calendar date or relative date (for example, two days ago) and time

Report range

Length of time to be reported, in minutes (minutes, min), hours (hours, h), days (days, d), or months (months, m)


Aggregation types:

  • None (raw data)

  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Monthly

Name or name pattern for customer

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).


Select individual items.

Name or name pattern for service

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).


Select individual items.

KPI Threshold

Specify the threshold value for:

  • Ingress Dropped Packets

  • Ingress Forwarded Packets

  • Egress Overruns Packets

  • Egress Jitter Buffer Depth Packets

  • Egress Underruns Packets

  • Egress Dropped Packets

  • Egress Errored Seconds

Logo Resource ID

The logo to add to the report. Enter the Resource ID of the logo image in the Images folder. The default is the Nokia logo. To create the report without a logo, leave the Logo Resource ID field blank.

Logo Position

Choose Left, Middle, or Right. The logo appears on the left on the first page of the report if you choose Left or Middle.

Show report output on one page

Select the check box to enable pagination.

Note: Using the Show report output on one page option when creating reports as drill-downs may impact report rendering time. Nokia recommends disabling the Show report output on one page option when creating reports.

Drill-down support


  1. The 7705 SAR-Hm and 7705 SAR-Hmc are not supported.


The following figure shows a report example.

Figure 14-52: Emulated Service Details report
Emulated Service Details report
Emulated Service Details report
Emulated Service Details report
Emulated Service Details report
Emulated Service Details report
Emulated Service Details report
Emulated Service Details report
Emulated Service Details report