To configure IGP event retrieval


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Historical Routing Events→IGP→Events from the NFM-P main menu. The IGP Event Retrieval Filter form opens.

Click Select and choose an IGP domain.

Configure the Time Interval Type parameter.

Perform one of the following:

  1. If you selected Rewind From/To Interval, configure the Start Time and End Time parameters.

  2. If you selected Rewind From Current Time, configure the Time Interval (in minutes) parameter.

Configure the Protocol parameter.

Click View IGP Events to view IGP events for the specified interval. The Protocol Events form opens.

Click Search and choose an IGP event. The IGP Link Event form opens.

Click on the tabs to view the event details.

The IP Path Record and LSP Path Record tabs show the records that are correlated to the IGP event.

Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps

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