To configure BGP event retrieval from a BGP route profile

General information

BGP route profiles can be used to retrieve matching BGP events. For more information about BGP event retrieval, see Chapter 18, Impact analysis .


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Route Profiles from the NFM-P main menu. The Route Profiles form opens.

Choose Global BGP Route Profiles or IP VPN BGP Route Profiles and click Search.

Choose an entry and click Properties. The BGP Route Profile (Edit) form opens.

Click View BGP Routing Events. The BGP Profiled Event Retrieval Filter form opens.

Configure the Retrieve Last Event and Time Interval Type parameters.

Perform one of the following:

  1. If you selected Rewind From/To Interval, configure the Start Time and End Time parameters.

  2. If you selected Rewind From Current Time, configure the Time Interval (in minutes) parameter.

Click View BGP Events. The BGP Events form opens.

Click Search.

Choose an entry and click Properties. The BGP Prefix Event form opens.


Review the event details and close the form.


Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps

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