To view checkpointed topology objects

General information

Perform this procedure to view checkpointed topology objects. The checkpointed objects are contained within an OSPF or ISIS checkpoint and represent real objects that existed in the network at a specific time.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Checkpoints from the NFM-P main menu. The Checkpoint Manager form opens.

Choose one of the following objects from the object drop-down menu:

  • Area (CPAM: Topology)

    Checkpoints of an area

  • IGP Link (CPAM: Topology)

    Checkpointed IGP link

  • Router (CPAM: Topology)

    Checkpoints of a router within an IGP administrative domain

  • Subnet (CPAM: Topology)

    Checkpoints of a subnet within an IGP administrative domain

Click on the Search button. A list of checkpointed objects appears.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The Object Checkpoint (Edit) form appears.

Configure the parameters:

  • Name

  • Description

The Name parameter is configurable only for checkpointed routers.

Click on the Checkpoint Details tab to view the following information about the checkpoint:

  • IGP administrative domain

  • checkpoint protocol—ISIS or OSPF

  • checkpoint ID

  • checkpoint time

Click on the Faults tab to view alarm information.

The tabs that appear depend on the checkpointed object that you are viewing. Click on the tabs to view information about the checkpointed object:

  • originating links

  • areas

  • traffic engineering

  • administrative groups

Click on the OK button. The Object Checkpoint (Edit) form closes.


Close the Checkpoint Manager form.

End of steps

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