To monitor a simulated IP path


Perform To open a scenario to open a simulation topology map.

Right-click on the topology map and choose Simulated Path Monitoring from the contextual menu. The Simulated Path Monitoring form opens.

Click on the Create button. The Simulated IP Path Monitor (Create) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Note: Alternatively, you can press the Ctrl key and select two routers. Right-click on one of the routers and choose Add→IP Path Monitor. The Simulated IP Path Monitor (Create) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Configure the parameters:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Monitor State

Configure the Source IP parameter or use the Select button to choose a source router.

Configure the Source Length parameter.

Configure the Destination IP parameter or use the Select button to choose a destination router.

Configure the Destination Length parameter.

Click on the Apply button to save the configuration.


Click on the Path History tab button to view monitored IP paths.


Close the Simulated IP Path Monitor (Create) form.


Close the Simulated Path Monitoring form.

End of steps

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