To monitor an SDP tunnel


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Topology_typeIGP_Administrative_Domain from the NFM-P main menu. The appropriate topology map appears showing the network objects.

Right-click on the topology map and choose Highlight SDP from the contextual menu. The Find SDP form opens.

Configure the filter criteria and click on the Search button. A list of service tunnels is displayed.

Select a service tunnel in the list and click on the Properties button. The Tunnel (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Click on the Create/Edit Path Monitor button. The IP Path Monitor (Create) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Note: If a path monitor already exists for the service tunnel, the IP Path Monitor (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Configure the parameters, if required:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Monitor State

Note: The Source IP, Source Length, Destination IP, and Destination Length parameters are automatically configured with the system IP address of the site and default length.

Click on the Apply button.

To create a bidirectional IP path monitor, click on the Create Bidirectional IP Path Monitor button. The Bidirectional IP Path Monitor (Create) form opens with the General tab displayed. Perform Step 3 to Step 13 of To monitor a bidirectional IP network path .

Click on the Path History tab button to view monitored IP paths.


Click on the Service Tunnels tab button to view monitored GRE and LDP tunnels.


Close the IP Path Monitor (Edit) form. The Tunnel (Edit) form reappears.


To navigate to a service tunnel on the topology map, perform the following:

  1. Click on the Navigate button.

  2. Choose one of the following views:

    • IGP View

    • ISIS View

    • OSPF View

  3. Choose the IGP administrative domain in which you want to view the SDP. A dialog box appears.

  4. Click on the OK button.

  5. The Discovered L3 Objects form opens.

  6. Select all of the entries in the list and drag and drop them onto the topology map.

  7. Click on the Subnets tab button on the Discovered L3 Objects form.

  8. Select all of the entries in the list and drag and drop them onto the topology map.

  9. Click on the Auto-layout button, if required. A dialog box appears.

  10. Click on the Yes button. The dialog box closes.

  11. Click on the Legend button at the top of the topology map and choose Highlight Sessions from the contextual menu. The Legend - Topology_type - IGP_Administrative_Domain form opens with the Highlight Sessions tab displayed.

  12. Enable the checkboxes of the highlights you want to view on the topology map. You can click on the Clear All button to disable all of the checkboxes.

  13. Click on the Apply button. The selected highlights are displayed on the topology map.

  14. Click on the Close button. The Legend - Topology_type - IGP_Administrative_Domain form closes.

  15. Close the topology map view.

  16. Close the Tunnel (Edit) form.

  17. Close the Manage Service Tunnels form.

End of steps

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