To view the total cost of IP paths and IP path segments


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Path and Prefix Monitoring from the NFM-P main menu. The Path and Prefix Monitoring form opens.

Choose IP Path Record (Monitored Path) from the object menu and click on the Search button. A list of IP path records appears.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties button. The IP Path Record (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Click on the Total Cost tab button to view the total cost of the path.

Click on the Segments tab button. A list of path segments is displayed.

Choose an entry and click on the Properties tab button. The Segments (Edit) form opens.

Note: You can highlight a segment on the topology map by choosing an entry on the Segments tab button, and clicking on the Navigate button.

View the cost in the Link Cost panel.

Close the Segments (Edit) form.

Close the IP Path Record (Edit) form.


Close the Path and Prefix Monitoring form.

End of steps

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