To configure and view CPAM topology map icon labels
General information
You can configure the type of information you need to be displayed on the CPAM topology map icon labels.
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Choose Application→User Preferences from the NFM-P main menu. The User Preferences form opens.
2 |
Click on the Topology tab.
3 |
Select one of the following topology map icons:
CPAM Subnets
CPAM Routers
CPAM Simulated Routers
CPAM Simulated Subnets
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Configure Text Field #1 and Text Field #2 to identify the information you need to display in each map icon label. You can choose one of the following for each text field:
Note: Choose CPAM Name to display the NE name for all of the SNMP-polled NEs and GNEs. The displayed name for an NE is:
the managed NE name for fully managed NEs
the ISIS protocol name for ISIS-supported NEs if an NE is unmanaged
"N/A" if an NE is both unmanaged and non- ISIS-supported
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Save your changes and close the form.
End of steps |
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