To discover a microwave backhaul service

Before you begin

Ensure that you:

  • configure the physical links

  • configure the Ethernet ring


Choose Manage→Service→Services from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Services form opens.

Choose Service (Service Management)→Microwave backhaul service (MPR) from the object drop-down menu and click Search.

Choose the microwave backhaul service that is autodiscovered and click Properties. The Microwave Backhaul Service (Edit) form opens.

Click Connect Service to connect the microwave backhaul service. The Connect Attempted check box is selected automatically.

Check whether the Topology Misconfigured check box is selected. If selected, the check box indicates that the topology is misconfigured. The reasons for the topology misconfiguration are provided in the Microwave Backhaul Services panel on the MBS (Edit) form. Take the corrective action to eliminate the errors. The Topology Changed check box is selected automatically after the topology is modified.

Note: See Incorrect topology for more information about common causes of incorrect topologies.

Click Connect Service again to attempt to connect the MBS. When all errors are eliminated, the Topology Misconfigured check box will be unchecked and the Reason for Topology Misconfiguration information will no longer be present on the form.

Close the form.

End of steps