To create an Ethernet radio ring on a Wavence


You can use this procedure to create an Ethernet radio ring element for a radio ring, fiber ring, or mixed ring on the Wavence.


Create the ERP topology

On the equipment navigation tree, right-click on a Wavence and choose Properties. The Network Element (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Radio Ring Component tab and click Create. The Radio Ring Component (Create) form opens.

Configure the parameters in the Radio Ring Component (Create) form.

  1. Configure the Topology Name parameter.

  2. Click Select, choose an East port, and click OK.

  3. Click Select, choose a West port, and click OK.

  4. Save your changes and close the form.

    Note: The Type field is updated automatically to Radio or Fiber, based on the selected East Port and West Port.

Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 for each Wavence device that you want to add to your ERPS topology.

Create the Radio ring representation

Choose Manage→Service Tunnels from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Service Tunnels form opens.

Click Create and choose Radio Ring. The Radio Ring (Create) form opens.

Configure the parameters as required and click Apply. The radio ring template is created and searched from the Radio Ring (Ethernet Ring) drop-down menu.

Double-click on an entry and the Radio Ring (Edit) form opens.

Define the elements in the Radio ring

Click on the Components tab, right-click on the Ring Elements icon in the navigation tree, and choose one of the following:

  1. Create Ethernet Ring Element. The Select Network Elements form opens. Go to Step 10.

  2. Add Existing Element. Go to Step 22.


Double-click on a network element. The Ethernet Ring Element (Create) form opens.


Configure the parameters as required.


Click Select in Radio Ring Topology panel and choose the appropriate ERP topology created in Step 1 to Step 3. The Ethernet Ring Element (Create) form reappears.


Click on the Path Endpoints tab and double-click to select the path A endpoint. The Ethernet Ring Path Endpoint - (Create) form opens.


Configure the MEG ID parameter and save the form.


Repeat Step 13 and Step 14 to configure the path B endpoint.

Note: The MEG ID parameter for the path B endpoint must be a different value than the one used for the path A endpoint.


If required, select the CLE/ODNC check box in the OAM Switch Criteria panel.

Note: If a port with the 802.3ah EFM OAM remote loopback enabled is selected as the endpoint of the ring instance, the OAM Switch criteria panel is displayed.

If the ring instance is in the idle state, the 802.3ah EFM OAM remote loopback enabled, and CLE/ODNC is selected, the ring instance changes to protected state.

If the CLE/ODNC parameter is selected for one ring instance, it is also applicable to other ring instances for that topology.


Save your changes and close the form.

Configure a ring protection link for the Radio ring

As required, configure a ring protection link for the Radio ring.

Perform the following:

  1. Select a site located under the Ring Elements icon on the Radio Ring (Edit) form and choose Properties. The Ethernet Ring Element (Edit) form opens.

  2. Set the Ring Protection Link Type parameter to Owner.

  3. Click on the Path Endpoints tab and double-click on the endpoint that you want to delegate as the ring protection link. The Ethernet Ring Path Endpoint - Element - Node form opens.

  4. Set the Path Endpoint Type parameter to the Ring Protection Link End.

  5. Save your changes and close the form.

Note: There can be only one RPL owner in a given ring.

To label and highlight the link from RPL owner

In the Microwave Backhaul Service (Edit) form, click Connect Service to connect the microwave backhaul service.

Note: When a new RPL owner is set or after the topology is modified, the Topology Changed check box is selected automatically. The connect service operation must be performed for the changes to be reflected in the Service Topology map.

The microwave backhaul service is configured successfully.


Click the Topology View button to navigate to the Service Topology Map for a microwave backhaul service.

The ring owner is labeled on the NFM-P topology map and the link that is blocked is highlighted in orange on the Service Topology Map.

Add other ring elements as required to the Radio ring

Repeat Step 9 to Step 17 to create additional new ring elements to add to the radio ring.


As required, add existing ring elements to the radio ring.

Perform the following:

  1. Right-click on the Ring Elements icon on the Radio Ring (Edit) form and choose Add Existing Element. The Select Elements form opens.

  2. Click Search, choose a radio ring element, and click OK. A dialog box opens.

  3. Click Yes to confirm.

Turn up all the ring elements

As required, turn up the radio ring elements in your Radio ring.

Perform the following:

  1. Select all the sites located under the Ring Elements icon on the Radio Ring (Edit) form and choose Turn Up.

  2. Click Yes to proceed.

Add the Radio ring to a microwave backhaul service

See Chapter 15, Wavence microwave backhaul service management to create a microwave backhaul service.

End of steps