How do I audit or align a deployment?
Note: If you are using Nokia predefined intent types audits will behave differently between classic SR OS and MD SROS NEs.
In the case of classic SR OS targets, only those attributes defined in the associated configuration form and with a user entered value will be audited. In the case of MD SROS targets, all attributes in the target configuration tree are audited and attributes not even in the intent type YANG tree are checked.
For example, if the deployment has two targets:
with classic SR OS NEs: the configured values of the user entered attributes on each target are checked to verify whether they match the configuration form. The alignment status is based on this check.
with MD SR OS NEs: the values of all attributes on the each target are checked to verify whether they match the configuration form and each other. The alignment status is based on matching both the configuration form and the other target.