Part I. Device management essentials
What devices are supported by NSP?
Where can I find more information about adaptors?
How does NSP support device telemetry?
How do I configure and manage devices?
How do I view adaptor information for an NE?
What is a device management state?
How does device discovery work?
What is a unified discovery rule?
What is a classic discovery rule?
What are discovery protocols and policies?
What is flexible discovery for MDM devices?
Procedures for device discovery
How do I create a classic mediation policy?
How do I create a mediation policy for MDM?
How do I edit or delete a mediation policy?
How do I create a classic reachability policy?
How do I create a reachability policy for MDM ?
How do I edit or delete a reachability policy?
How do I create a classic discovery rule?
How do I edit or delete a discovery rule?
How do I stitch a classic device to a unified discovery rule?
How do I discover a domain controller?
How do I discover the NEs managed by a domain controller?
How do I edit or delete a domain controller?
How do I view backup files for an NE?
How do I compare two backup files for an NE?
How do I compare the current NE configuration with a backup?
How do I restore an NE from a backup?
How do I configure automatic cleanup of backup files?
Part II. Advanced device management
Operation types provided by NSP
How do I change the life cycle state of an operation type?
How do I start or schedule a new operation?
How do I start or schedule a saved operation?
How do I view or manage scheduled operations?
How do I view current operations and executions?
How do I start, stop, or pause an operation?
How do I view the details of completed operations?
How do I view a history of operations performed on an NE?
How do I automate the cleanup of completed operations?
How do I view reports generated by an operation?
How do I retry an execution within a phase?
How do I terminate an execution in progress?
How do I retry a failed operation?
How do I perform a rollback on a target in an operation?
5. NE software upgrades using NSP
NE software upgrades using NSP
Upgrade operation requirements
How do I import an NE software image?
How do I upgrade software on a 7750 SR NE?
What is Zero Touch Provisioning?
How do I configure Zero Touch Provisioning?
Can I change ZTP parameters from NSP?
Part III. Device configuration
7. Device object configuration
How do I see what is configured on an NE?
What tools can I use to configure NEs in NSP?
How do I open a device for configuration?
How do I configure device objects?
Template-based configuration deployment
What is device configuration in NSP?
How does configuration deployment work?
What is a configuration intent type?
How do I import a configuration intent type?
How do I update an NE configuration to use a newer intent type?
What is a configuration template?
What is the difference between deploying a template and associating a template?
How do I create a configuration template?
How do I update a template to apply intent type schema form changes?
What is migration of a deployment?
How do I migrate a deployment to another template?
How do I deploy or associate a template to the network?
How do I associate a logical template to the network?
How do I associate a physical template to the network?
How do I retry a failed association?
How do I change the life cycle status of a template?
How do I audit or align configurations?
How do I create a logical configuration deployment?
How do I create a physical configuration deployment?
How do I bulk edit multiple deployments?
How do I deploy a saved deployment?
How do I retry a failed deployment?
How do I distribute a logical configuration deployment?
How do I distribute a physical configuration deployment?
How do I audit or align a deployment?
How do I audit or align configurations for an NE?
Part IV. Device management use cases
Discovery of a 7750 SR device in NSP