How do I audit or align configurations?


Use this procedure to audit or align all the deployments based on a specified template. To audit or align configuration for a single deployment, see How do I audit or align a deployment?. To audit or align all the deployments on an NE, see How do I audit or align configurations for an NE?.


Open Device Management, Configuration Templates view, choose a template.

Click png3.png if needed to open the Template Details panel.

The Template Details panel shows the number of deployments and the number that were aligned and misaligned after the last audit.

In the Template Details panel, click VIEW ALL.

The system displays a list of the deployments based on the template.

Choose a deployment to view deployment details as needed.

To audit configurations:

  1. From Device Management, Configuration Templates, choose a template. Choose png1.png (Table row actions), Audit/Align deployments > Audit all config.

  2. Click CONTINUE to confirm. The alignment status information is updated.

Note: An audit at the template level checks all deployments using the template. The operation may take a long time. During the audit, you can you can check the Template Details panel for process information.

Note: If you are using Nokia predefined intent types audits will behave differently between classic SROs and MD SROS NEs.

In the case of classic SROS targets, only those attributes defined in the associated configuration form and with a user entered value will be audited. In the case of MD SROS targets, all attributes in the target configuration tree are audited and so attributes not even in the intent type YANG tree are checked.

To align configurations:

  1. From Device Management, Configuration Templates, choose a template. Choose png1.png (Table row actions), Audit/Align deployments > Align config.

  2. By default, only misaligned deployments are aligned. Choose Align all deployments regardless of alignment status if needed. Note that aligning all deployments may take much longer than aligning only misaligned deployments.

  3. Click ALIGN to confirm.

Note: An alignment at the template level updates all misaligned deployments using the template. The operation may take a long time. During the operation, you can check the Template Details panel for process information.

End of steps