How do I edit a deployment?


You can edit a deployment to change the template or parameters and deploy again to the same target. A deployment can only be edited if its deployment status is saved, deployed aligned, or deployed misaligned.

Note: You can use this procedure to make changes to a single deployment. To change multiple deployments based on the same template to another template, see How do I migrate a deployment to another template?. To edit parameters for multiple deployments based on the same flexible template; see How do I bulk edit multiple deployments?.


Open Device Management, Configuration Deployments.

Choose a deployment.

Click png3.png if needed to open the Deployment Details panel.

Click png1.png (Table row actions), View/Edit.

The form that opens depends on the role:

  1. In the Deploy Physical Configuration form, click REPLACE to change the template, and EDIT CONFIGURATION to change the parameters.

  2. In the Deploy Logical Configuration form, click VIEW/EDIT TEMPLATE CONFIG to change the parameters.


End of steps