How do I create a classic discovery rule?


To discover classic devices, NSP requires a classic discovery rule. The classic discovery rule is associated with a unified discovery rule. NSP performs scans of the network to look for devices matching specifications provided in active unified discovery rules. You can also launch a discovery manually.

RESTCONF APIs are also available for device discovery and management; see the Device Administration and Mediation RESTCONF APIs documentation on the Network Developer Portal.

Note: The special characters ; and \ can appear in the names of classic discover rules that have been synched from NFM-P. These characters are not allowed in NSP. Rules with these characters in their names cannot be edited or deleted in NSP.


Open Device Discovery, Classic Discovery Rules.

The system displays the list of configured discovery rules.


In the form that opens, configure the required parameters.



Rule ID

Enter a rule ID or check the Auto assign classic rule ID check box.


User-provided description of the discovery rule

Admin State

Specifies the administrative state for the discovery rule

Management Protocol

Choose IPv4 or IPv6

Classic Mediation Policies

Select a policy for each access type as needed:

  • Click on the mediation policy field.

  • In the form that opens, select a policy and click SELECT.

To create a mediation policy, click png2.pngNEW; see How do I create a classic mediation policy?.

Classic Reachability Policies

Select a policy for each reachability type as needed:

Click in a reachability type field.

In the form that opens, select a policy and click SELECT.

To create a reachability policy, click png2.pngNEW; see How do I create a classic reachability policy?.

Click CREATE. The classic discovery rule is added to the list.

To associate the classic discovery rule with a unified discovery rule and discover devices, see How do I discover devices?.

End of steps