How do I view a list of alarms in my network?

Alarm list views

The three alarm list views display alarms in your network as a table. You can configure which columns appear in the table, and filter the results to refine your view. There are three categories of alarm lists, available from the drop-down list:

For information about configuring and filtering alarm lists, see Displaying alarms.

Selecting multiple alarms

You can select up to 200 alarms from the alarm list, from among currently displayed alarms. You can select alarms in batches, but cannot make a selection that includes alarms that have not been loaded into the NSP alarm list (for example, by starting a selection, then scrolling past the currently loaded alarms). Selecting large numbers of alarms from a long list is not recommended; see How do I create an advanced alarms filter? for information about filtering alarms.

Note: If a selected alarm is deleted during the selection process, the deleted alarm is not included in the action performed on the other selected alarms.