How do I automate alarm management using a policy?


When the NSP receives an alarm for the first time, the NSP creates an alarm policy for that alarm. You can use an alarm policy to perform operations automatically on future instances of the alarm. Changes to alarm policies are not retroactive, and only apply to alarms received in the future; to modify existing alarms, use the Alarm List view

You can delete an alarm policy by clicking on the More png47.png button, and selecting Delete. Stale alarm policy entries may occur due to drift in alarm dictionary keys; it is safe to delete these stale policies.


In the Network Map And Health, Current Alarms view, click on the More png5.png button in the title banner of the current tab and select Settings.

Click on Individual Alarm Policies in the left panel. A list of alarm policies appears.

Select one or more alarm policies. You can use the column headers to filter or sort the list of alarm policies.

Click (Table row actions), Edit. The following table describes the alarm policy parameters.



General Actions


Hides future instances of this alarm. Squelched alarms are not displayed in the Alarm List.

Initial Severity Assignment

Assigns the chosen severity to the alarm when it is received, overriding the severity assigned by the source.

Auto Acknowledge

Acknowledges the alarm when it is received.


Disables or enables historical alarm archiving for the alarm.

Custom Text

Applies the specified custom text to the alarm when it arrives, overwriting any custom text assigned by the source.

Escalation Policies

Escalation Policy

Enable to configure an escalation policy for the alarm. An escalation policy changes the severity of the alarm when a specified threshold is crossed.


Specifies the severity to assign to the alarm when the threshold is crossed.

Threshold Type

Specifies the type of threshold to use; for example, the number of occurrences.

Threshold Value

The value that must be exceeded in order to trigger escalation; for example, 50 occurrences.

Escalation Policies

De-escalation Policy

Enable to configure a de-escalation policy for the alarm. A de-escalation policy changes the severity of the alarm when the number of occurrences drops below a specified number.


Specifies the new severity to assign to the alarm when the policy is triggered.

Threshold Value

Specifies the number of occurrences for the de-escalation threshold. When the number of occurrences of the alarm drops below this value, the de-escalation policy is triggered.

Alarm Debouncing

Alarm Debouncing

Enables debouncing for the alarm. When alarm debouncing is enabled, alarm clear events are held until the specified hold period expires instead of being processed immediately. If an alarm raise event occurs before the hold period expires, the existing debounced alarm is updated with the new occurrence and the event is processed immediately. This prevents unnecessary historical alarm logging and lowers the frequency of alarm NBI notifications for highly active (flapping) alarms.

Click on the Save button to save your changes.

End of steps