How do I place a link set into maintenance mode?


When a link set is placed into maintenance mode, the LSPs riding the link set must be rerouted. This can be done manually or automatically.

In order for the NSP host server to reroute these LSPs automatically, the nrcp block of the /opt/nsp/configure/config/arm-system.conf file must be modified as follows:

nrcp {







When maintenance mode is deactivated for a link set, and the above modification has been made, the LSPs will automatically return to their original link set.

Note: Link sets will be automatically placed into maintenance mode if either of their source nodes are placed into maintenance mode. This can be done using an API. For more information, see the Network Developer Portal


Perform one of the following:

  1. From the Path Control, Network Map view, select an IGP link on the map and click Info png9.png.

  2. From the Path Control, Links view, select an IGP link from the list.

Click More png4.png, Activate Maintenance Mode for Link Set. A confirmation window opens.

Click OK. The confirmation window closes and the link set is placed into maintenance mode.

Note: If the NSP host server has not been configured to automatically reroute LSPs whose link set has been placed into maintenance mode, these LSPs will need to be manually rerouted.

To deactivate maintenance mode for a link set, click More png4.png, Deactivate Maintenance Mode for Link Set. A confirmation window opens.

Click OK. The confirmation window closes and maintenance mode is deactivated for the link set.

Note: If the NSP host server has not been configured to automatically reroute LSPs whose link set has been placed into maintenance mode, these LSPs will need to be manually returned to their original link set.

End of steps

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